Anyone familiar with the patent process?



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, KS
I had an idea come to me this morning. It is automobile exhaust related. Anyone have any experience with the patent process, and what the process and cost is?
Hello, I currently hold two U.S. Utility Patents and a Registered Trademark. It's quite a long and expensive process. The first thing I would recommend you do is to get a great patent attorney. I could help you with this. The first part of the patent process will be a thorough patent search done by your attorney to see if anything exhists like what your trying to patent. Then, If patentable, your attorney will guide you from there because there are several kinds of patents. I hold Utility Patents. I will be leaving out of the office now, but I will check back later tonight with you.
This would probably be a design patent, versus utility, but I am not entirely sure. I am going to do some more research as to the difference.
"Long and Expensive" + Patent Attorney = scared.
Yep, get a patent attorney. These TV ads are nothing but a rip of. I hold one for a process. It cost me some coin, and takes some time, but if your idea is sound, it's worth it.