Anyone with a VW bug?

or, be patient, and here you go:


HTH !!
For as far as I know.....ALL Beetle's 193x-1999(mexican built) beetle all use the same size Gauge. Talk about Low Overhead, the actual pinnings on the car didn't change much from 193x-1970 when the Super Beetle debutted in 1971 and the strut independant suspension was a available.

Your Welcome.
That thing is friggin cool! It reminds me of the 1960 morris minor with a blown 502 that showed up to Goodguys one year.
Hell yeah man! It's a gnarly little bastard. Blown SBC, 9 inch rear and a tube frame with a what, 300 pound body? I'd love to drop the hammer on it. Might have to see if he wants to trade me for my Belvedere...nah, gotta keep my Mopar.
Wow that lil bug is neat! You guys hsould see this bug that comes to a car show in CT with a hemi in it. You wouldn't even be able to tell either, the hood closes right over it. Tell me there is not a lot of fabrication there.
I wanna say that the morris minor was red but it has been a few years since I have seen it at any shows.

There was this bug at the show on Sat.

