Anything we can do for our soldier?



Super Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Just heard Dusted72 was robbed while on vacation. I don't personally know him, never met him, but I know he's into what we are and he protected our rights without question. Anyone want to try and help him out? I'm not much of one for coordinating something like this, but I'd be willing to donate a few bucks for the cause.

I'd throw $20 into the pot to get this rolling if someone can help with the logistics. I know he's probably not going to want to see this but it'd be kind of hard to hide it...

Let's go!:cheers:
I'm in.

Get a paypal address. Let's try to cover his deductible.
I am leaving in a few hours, but would chip in a $20 for the man. Besides being a soldier, if Okie, TX Dart, Ramcharger, and Krazy give him support...hey, can't be a bad dude

Ping me on the 18th when I get back- I am going on vacation, but there is also family business and I know it may slip mind. Between this and Ramenth (Robert), I don't want to forget
Im in what can i do? . Aint got no money but i have time. i have room im my sig for two help threads
Please spare us more gay rainbows.Will watch for an oppurtunity to help out also.
Money sent. Sorry about your break in. I hope this helps cover your deductable.
Not alot but sent what I could. Thanks for your service.