April fools jokes



May 26, 2005
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San Marcos, TX
Lets here some of the best jokes you have pulled over the years.
I was on vacation one year on the snake river and my brother couldn't come down (wife) so I called him and told him my new boat had sunk while tied up at the dock. He raced down to help so I gave him a fishing pole and we spent the day fishing.The joke ended up being on the wife instead of him.
Lets here some of the best jokes you have pulled over the years.
I was on vacation one year on the snake river and my brother couldn't come down (wife) so I called him and told him my new boat had sunk while tied up at the dock. He raced down to help so I gave him a fishing pole and we spent the day fishing.The joke ended up being on the wife instead of him.

That is going to be hard to beat :cheers:

I already had one pulled on me this morning:bootysha:
A friend called me about 5:30 am and wanted to no if I new some one with
a wrecker co, and that he is in the cokacola co parking lot.
This guy is diabetic and handy caped , So I jump up and asked him is he ok.
He told me his foot the doctor has been working on is bleeding and the E.M.T's have not made it there yet. I told him I will call a friend and get his truck moved "Furd" and I will be there as soon as I get my clothes on.
Then the @#$%^& told me April fools and I hung up on him.:bootysha:

I called him back to congrad's him and told him to watch his back:cheers: