Are people really this stupid?



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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How do you crack a cold case? Try a cold case.
Nineteen Britons wanted on various crimes were arrested after being offered free beer by police in an undercover operation, according to Derbyshire (U.K.) Constabulary.
Dozens of suspects – for crimes including robbery and sexual assault — got letters from a marketing firm inviting them to call the company in exchange for a free case of beer, police said.
The calls were put through to officers at Chesterfield Police Station, who arranged a time to deliver the beer at the caller’s home, police said. At the appointed time and place, the caller was arrested.
“These suspects are people who have managed to evade arrest for some time, so we have used different tactics to find them,” said Chief Inspector Graham McLaughlin. “It has been very cost-effective, as it can take a lot of time and money to track people down.”
The operation was part of Operation Rocky, which targets “serious acquisitive crime across north Derbyshire,” a police statement said.
Sounds like the Florida deal where they were sent letters telling them to show up at a hotel party to claim the new boat /car/cash etc they had won , the band were all standing on a mirrored stage wearing Tshirts that said SPOC on the chest and nobody figured it out till the doors were locked and they were told haha -so yes people really are that stupid
Sounds like an old Simpsons episode, the cops lured Homer down to the police station with a free boat.
Police did this once with a fencing operation and once they got to know the people fencing stolen stuff they invited them all to a wedding everyone that showed was arrested.And to answer your question yes they are that stupid.lolo
Ok I gotta ask... if they were able to send them a letter, and Im assuming it was my mail, how come they couldnt catch them ?
because people on the lam still pick up their mail or have someone else do it for them usually at an address they no longer live at , really is this that complicated ?
I think that robbery and sexual assult criminals are worse than your average crook. Id say the police arent that smart if they havnt checked all the potential addresses and addresses of their family and known associates for these dangerous criminals ? But the RCMP in canada arent such a smart bunch to begin with.... they are sexual assult criminals them selves.....
Now we know how to get all those occupiers out of our city parks!