Awesome Member Alert!


/6 Matt

30 Degrees Crooked
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
Lincolnton, NC
So this last weekend I took a nice little Saturday trip down to middle GA to RustyRatRod's house. I had my mom and sister with me for sharing driving duties and to have an entertainment commity (Ma fullfilled that role very well). Rob had posted up a big ole' pile of slant stuff that he wanted out of his way, all for free!

I had talked to Rob on the phone last Friday to get his address and we had a nice conversation while I was grillin' some fish. Real easy guy to talk to, we talked about mopars, f@rds, air compressors, cats, Harbor Freight and just all kinds of stuff. When we got down to GA on saturday, Rob helped me load up all the stuff and after we got our hands clean we all sat down on his front porch to shoot the sh%t and pet his cats. I got to very briefly meet Kitty before she went in for her shift at work. Unfortunately, we had to cut out alot sooner than I would have liked so that I could get home at a decent time, plus it seemed like the longer I stayed the more stuff Rob was pulling out and handing to me lol!

All in all, it was cool as hell to take the trip and even cooler to finally meet ya Rob! If you're ever in Western NC let me know, I'll fire up the grill. :D

PS: Here's two thread outlining only some of the stuff Rob so graciously gave to me.
Hey I can agree with you Rob is one heck of a nice guy and has gone out of his to help a lot of members including myself.
I love threads like this. Especially when they're so TRUE!! :-D Rob is a total asset to the hobby in general, and most especially around here. People should treat him better IMO.

Way to go Matt and way to go Rob!!! Well done guys!
I love threads like this. Especially when they're so TRUE!! :-D Rob is a total asset to the hobby in general, and most especially around here. People should treat him better IMO.

Way to go Matt and way to go Rob!!! Well done guys!

Medium rare for me please!!!.....
People should treat him better IMO.
Folks don't understand Rob. I pretty much always have because we share a similar sense of humor. Me and Rob have a real dry, cynical, smart@$$ sense of humor and when you talk to him on the phone or in person, you can tell he is just joking around but in typing, the tone of voice that clues you in to the fact becomes lost. So he comes of as a jack@$$ sometimes, and he is aware of that fact. Rob is always joking about something, as I am myself. I can't speak for him but my philosophy is that if you aren't laughing, you're crying.

Rob is a real genuine, down-to-earth, humble individual and just from his posts here, one can tell he loves to help people out.
Matt, I have been real down lately. Your happiness with all the stuff has given me some warm and fuzzies back. Thanks.
very cool. there are some very awesome members on this board. I have met a few would like to meet more.
very cool. there are some very awesome members on this board. I have met a few would like to meet more.
I have met in person a grand total of three members. JDMopar (Jackie), Barracudakid (Eddie) and RustyRatRod (Rob).

All great members!:cheers:
Matt.....I was glad to see in the other thread that you were able to get that stuff. Keep me in mind if you stumble on any semi local, free /6 motors you don't want. I'll take one that's no longer buildable, as long as it's intact. Top secret project! :glasses7: Again, congrats on snagging a load of good stuff! :prayer:
Matt.....I was glad to see in the other thread that you were able to get that stuff. Keep me in mind if you stumble on any semi local, free /6 motors you don't want. I'll take one that's no longer buildable, as long as it's intact. Top secret project! :glasses7: Again, congrats on snagging a load of good stuff! :prayer:
Ya know Jackie, I feel like I can remembe where this a TOTAL JUNK engine around but I'm completely pulling blanks for some reason. Gimme a lil' while to sleep on it and see if I can't remember. Maybe it's my imagination creating that memory lol!

I sound like I have alzheimer's:wack:

Anyways folks, this guy up here ^^^ was kind enough to donate me a 7-1/4" when mine blew out last October. Total life saver! :cheers: And he totally has my dream garage too!

That 7-1/4" is still holdin' up for me nice and tight and quiet, and I still love to hate those 3.55 gears lol!
Thanks Matt. If you think of it, just let me know. I'm not in a big hurry, and don't care if I have to beat the old pistons out of it with a sledge hammer or something. Glad the rear end is treating you well.
It's these times in our life that when we can make some one smile and get that warm fuzzy feeling that energizes me and most everyone here Matt. :cheers:
Rob knows this first hand, and getting to meet him and enjoy chatting in person had to be a dandy great time :eek:ccasion: Thank you Rob and Matt. memike has a happy face on :D
Rob's a good guy. :D :cheers:

Without his help, it would have taken me hours to get Bruce's wagon loaded up on the trailer to drag it home. :banghead:

Kitty is great also. It was good to meet them and have some pizza. :eek:ccasion: