Back To The Future

knock knock knock think McFly.
And Mr. Stricklins famous saying "slacker",my all time most used saying at work.
Actually, it's pretty much constant knocking through the "Hello? Hello?" part, but then he goes "Anybody home?" Think, McFly, think!" There may or may not be additional knocks, depending on the victim, the age of Biff, and whether he's using his hand or the knocker cane.

My favorite line is in BTTF 2, when Griff and his gang are pushing Marty, Jr. around. Griff asks him if he's "had time to consider tonights opportunity" and Marty Jr tells him he thinks it might be dangerous. The chick steps in and says, "What's the matter McFly? Got no scroat?" as she grabs him by the afore mentioned body part, lifts him up, and flips him onto the counter behind him.
Please excuse the crudeness of this model, I didnt have time to build it to scale or paint it...
I love the Back To The Future movies, what appeals to me are all the details.. all the little things you have to watch for that change as Marty and Doc travel to differant times.. I always got a kick out of 'Twin Pines Mall' becoming the 'Lone Pine Mall' in the first movie lol
One of the first sequals to be filmed together.I remember seeing the second one in a theatre and at the end was a full preview of the third one and thinking how did they get a preview that soon,later I realized the third one was already filmed.Makes all the little details come together.