bad day!!!

Sorry to hear you got ripped off, everyones worst nightmare. We all get pretty numb to this kind of thing and think it won't happen to us. Thanks for posting and reminding everyone to be carefull out there. Lots of low lifes out there lookin to rip off hard working stiffs like yourself. Good luck hope you get to the bottom of this and get your $$$ back.
I would check your charges well before the fraudulent ones started. Most likely someplace you bought from weeks ago could be at fault, or a website you bought from wasnt secure enough. Most thieves start with a couple simple test charges that quickly get returned to your account (yahoo wallet was one I saw on mine, it was only like $2, and would slip under most radars). Then like a few days later, if the test charge(s) on the card are successful they will start using the card number as much as they can because they now know it is good. On top of that, most thieves dont have the stuff shipped to them directly, they just pick someone else's house to send it to under a false name and just grab it off the doorstep when it shows up after tracking it. Lots of nasty thieves out there taking advantage of people.
Sorry for your loss.

This is the reason I always use a credit card, don't trust people with financial information.
My company accoumt got hit for 10K a couple of years ago. The only place I used it was gas stations and restraunts. The waitress swiped it in a hand reader, made a duplicate card and picked up 10K in 24 hours. My bank refunded it and the police wouldn't investigate because "it was a victimless crime".
My company accoumt got hit for 10K a couple of years ago. The only place I used it was gas stations and restraunts. The waitress swiped it in a hand reader, made a duplicate card and picked up 10K in 24 hours. My bank refunded it and the police wouldn't investigate because "it was a victimless crime".

That happened to one of the guys at my work after he stayed in a motel in Lewiston, ID. His credit card number was used to buy twinkies, gas and dildos LOL no joke!
I would check your charges well before the fraudulent ones started. Most likely someplace you bought from weeks ago could be at fault, or a website you bought from wasnt secure enough. Most thieves start with a couple simple test charges that quickly get returned to your account (yahoo wallet was one I saw on mine, it was only like $2, and would slip under most radars). Then like a few days later, if the test charge(s) on the card are successful they will start using the card number as much as they can because they now know it is good. On top of that, most thieves dont have the stuff shipped to them directly, they just pick someone else's house to send it to under a false name and just grab it off the doorstep when it shows up after tracking it. Lots of nasty thieves out there taking advantage of people.

This is what happend to me this year. A couple of test charges at a online gambling casino and then they tried to buy a item worth a couple grand and funds simply dried up. I'm glad I had my credit card very close to maxed out this time otherwise they would have bought a **** load of items. The credit card company had already notice this odd activity earlier,closed my account and notified me right away. The credited those few small charges back in my account and got a new card.

That happened to one of the guys at my work after he stayed in a motel in Lewiston, ID. His credit card number was used to buy twinkies, gas and dildos LOL no joke!

I cant resist,they were planning on screwing him hard and packed a lunch ROTFLMFAO
well so far im getting a new card and i have to sign some papers that come in next week so they refunded my money
That sure does suck but glad to hear your getting it lined out. 5-6 yrs. ago this happened to me. First it started by my laptop getting stolen. I had used it to order online so I guess the numbers were on it. They charged over $900 worth of stuff when we caught it. The credit card co refunded my money so it worked out in the end but I sure would have loved to see them get busted. Unfortunately alot of investigators are so busy with huge scams they don't even have time to try on the little ones. That's what one investigator told me.
I came thru Chicago Ohare awhile back and bought a coffee and some snacks at one of the airport shops, Then took a cab.
these were the only 2 Legit charges.
3 days later I went to use it again and the Account had been locked. There were random charges at a Target and other places 100 miles south of Chicago.
Unfortunatly we are at the mercy of the businesses, their employees and how they protect their records after we have left.
My fraud charges were reversed and I got a new card but it SUCKS!!
I had some charges show up on my account this year also. Nothing real expensive, $25 and $35 dollars. Did some research on it and found I was not the only one who had the problem with the same companies. Filled it with the bank and the charges were reversed.

Remember what goes around comes around. It will all work out in the ended.
I hear about this kind of stuff all too often, I work in IT and can't believe how some people can lock the doors to their car but set the password to their online bank account to 1234qwer.... no, seriously it happened.... because of this sort of thing I watch my acct's like a hawk, reconcile every week and have very long pwd's for everything. The wife got her yahoo acct hacked once... not bad but it was linked to our ebay acct...and to paypal....and paypal to our bank.. I managed to catch wind of it before the guy made it to paypal because I'm on ebay looking for parts all of the time and one morning I wasn't able to login and I was looking at stuff the night before. scary position to be in for sure.