I was wondering how many people here have attended the Wednesday night cruise in at Bear Mt. St. park in NY. I started going last year, they get atleast 1,000 cars and bikes on good night. It begins again in May.
However. I finally hunted down a local Mopar club up here.... I've got to give them a call and find out more about them. I thought I was alone in a world of chevys up here in Saratoga
Went to Bear Mt about two years ago.....Moved a little from the car to chat with friends....I heard some guying Yelling he didn't like Mopars..When I truned around he had spit coke all over the side of my DART...Ran over and threw him to the ground....And then started wipe of the soda he spit on the car before it killed the paint......Bye the way this person was not drunk and was about 35 years of age.....You think he would know better....He's lucky I didn't kill Him