Big Block Dart site

yea/down 4a day. differnet new V Bulliten format..said the old less expensive one was getting locked up fom spam hits..bots etc..lost a lot of old posts..thats a shame..and my post count went WAY down too.
Well goood luck to BBD! A very good site indeed.
I hope no tech info was lost. It was a great section!
I sure hope he changes the colors on that site. Black background and green lettering makes for tough viewing.

Looks like he made a change.
Got it to come up. Is this the same big block dart? Man It looks differant. Where's all the tech stuff go? I was in middle of reading a thing on disc brakes and all that stuff is gone.
It's funny you guys mention this because I was trying today and it didn't look right and I could not find any information about B body headers (passenger side) issues in a Dart.
Got it to come up. Is this the same big block dart? Man It looks differant. Where's all the tech stuff go? I was in middle of reading a thing on disc brakes and all that stuff is gone.

Yes, it's the same sight, lots of great BBD info. as well as engine building information. Bill's a great guy!
Tried to find my welcome thread on there a couple weeks ago and it's gone. Shows I have ten posts but none of them show up anymore.