is a joke

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well i can say I dont have a big block.... and i dont have a dart, and i have never been shunned there.. people there have always been cool with me....
hey if you dont like bbd... dont go there thats all...

Amen, And please dont come here to bash another site just because you dont see eye to eye with someone. I'm a member at just about every Mopar site out there. Some I spend more time at then others. They all have there Ups and Downs.

Running a board is a lot harder then people think. And anyone that runs there own business can tell you, you cant please everyone.

I have never been to other sites so I can be completely neutral on this subject but have a question about this and it is directed towards the moderators because of your responses.

If someone was wrong in doing something being a sale gone bad, a scam or a company that had bad service, etc, it is OK to say something about that but it is not OK to say something about another site, or this one for that matter if the moderator(s) without a shadow of a doubt did something wrong?

This is just an observation but what it looks and sounds like is gestopo type practices to me.

I'm not taking about personality clashes between a moderator and a member I talking if a moderator made a mistake in editing something and the member called them on it and then the moderator didn't like it so they cancelled the members subscription. I don't care who you are if that happened that would be wrong and trying to squelch it would be wrong as well and we all know it.

I want to know because I want to be a good member and not get booted. Lord knows I have said things in the past that I regret and wish I could take back but once you say it it is there for life.

340mopar said:
I have never been to other sites so I can be completely neutral on this subject but have a question about this and it is directed towards the moderators because of your responses.

If someone was wrong in doing something being a sale gone bad, a scam or a company that had bad service, etc, it is OK to say something about that but it is not OK to say something about another site, or this one for that matter if the moderator(s) without a shadow of a doubt did something wrong?

This is just an observation but what it looks and sounds like is gestopo type practices to me.

I'm not taking about personality clashes between a moderator and a member I talking if a moderator made a mistake in editing something and the member called them on it and then the moderator didn't like it so they cancelled the members subscription. I don't care who you are if that happened that would be wrong and trying to squelch it would be wrong as well and we all know it.

I want to know because I want to be a good member and not get booted. Lord knows I have said things in the past that I regret and wish I could take back but once you say it it is there for life.


Chuck --

I can assure you, that is not what happened. As a mod on a couple of sites, I can tell you it takes a LOT to get banned...not just one slip of the tongue. Especially here and on really have to piss a mod or admin off to get banned from one of these sites. Now, ripping people off will get you the axe quick, once it is confirmed you are a thief...doesn't take long to get the whole story either.

Hatethis68 -- why are you skirting the question about why you were banned from BBD? I bet it wasn't because one mod didn't like you or had a differing opinion than yours in a single thread. Enquiring minds want to know. You come on here bashing a site and then hide your ammo. What are you hiding for? Tell us why you think you were banned and then I can tell you why you were banned...

-- Mike
dusterdon said:
Was on BBD site and noticed that the for sale, wanted and barter parts forums are coming down 4-30-07. Another case of a very few people SCREWING THINGS UP for everybody else.

That would be the chump who started this thread...
im there at bbd all the time , its a great site,thats where i heard of this site. you must have the problem cause no one else dose.
The thing is that no matter what site you go on to; there's gonna be disagreements. Especially if it about religeon, government, or who has the best Mopar. BBD and this site are very similar. Ya can't really say that one has a better community than the other really. Personally; I feel more at HOME at BBD; but thats only because I started out there. I got to know those people better than you guys over here; and I have disagreements with many of em; but thats just me. I'm glad we have the "Big3" Mopar sites for tech; community; and opinions. There all good.
Like I said I am on the outside looking in and have know idea what really happened. I really don't need to know. hatethis68 gave no example of what happened so I discount that one, but gts340 gives an example and if what he says is correct I would say that moderator and site was wrong for booting him.

The Mods that have responded to this have pretty much said the same thing and that this would never happen. That could be pretty hard for someone like me on the outside looking in to be convinced given that you all say it takes a couple to ruin it for all. Are mods immune from being one of these type people?

My problem is this, I believe both sides because I have to, I have know way of knowing one way or the other. Now if a mod responded that it could happen because we are only people too, but none did and jumped right on the it never could happen. There is no such thing as never because we are only people and sometimes our emotions can get the best of us, even moderators. To me it looks like at all cost the mods are going to stick together and defend the site(s) and each other.

Believe me I think it is assume that you guys, the mods, would do this type of thing and maintain these sites. I know it may look like I am going against you guys and assure you this is not the case. I would hate for you guys to get caught up defending someone that did something they shouldn't have and discredit your good name. This is the reason I am saying anything at all, I don't want to see a good thing ruined because a few or one bad apple.

I think this post has gone on long enough. I dont need anyone coming here and starting a war with another board that someone has worked long and hard to build and Im sure BillR @ BBD feels the same way. If anyone has any problems with it you can PM me, Joey or any of the mods to discuss the matter further.
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