BMW R-12 sidecart "prom night"



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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hey guys, as you may remember i recently picked up modeling again
(no not, the kind where i pose half nekid on the the hood of the duster)

i started back up in 1/35 with a german Hanomag build
that one is mostly done, though it still needs some detailing and a lot of work on the crew

so, i decided to start the next build, a WWII era BMW R-12 with sidecart and crew
im hoping to get the engine build today, and then probably paint and detail it before i install it
hey guys, as you may remember i recently picked up modeling again
(no not, the kind where i pose half nekid on the the hood of the duster)

i started back up in 1/35 with a german Hanomag build
that one is mostly done, though it still needs some detailing and a lot of work on the crew

so, i decided to start the next build, a WWII era BMW R-12 with sidecart and crew
im hoping to get the engine build today, and then probably paint and detail it before i install it
What? No pictures?
What? No pictures?
This is as far as I got today, what is that a long block?

It is a 750cc flat twin
I think there are about 8 pieces in there so far

The hardest part wad trying to deal with the flash on the cooling ribs, I don't know if I'll be able to truly fix that

Right now, I'm thinking I will get some paint on here before I get the carb and intake parts installed


That looks like the same engine used on the war time R71. Those bikes are still available.
wouldnt surprise me if it is the same engine, if it works, why mess with it?
thanks man, there are some great reference pics on there
specially on how to paint the engine (i was a little in the dark there)

i felt like the Hanomag i had painted the right color, but detail would have shown better in a lighter paint, so i may take some license with this one


After seeing some of those reference pictures I decided to paint the engine

Funny thing is, as soon as I saw the faded paint on one of them, all of a sudden I was 16 again helping my buddy get his zundaph ready to hit the streets

So, drawing from that, this is what i came up with

(Before I can put the frame together I need to decide on a color, but I figured I'd see what it'd look like)



That looks pretty nicely done to me. I’m looking forward seeing how this develops.
Thanks, I'm quite happy with it so far

This hit had quite a bit of flash to it, which makes it hard at times, bit it's still fun

What makes things even harder is that I was used to building in 1/25 and this is 1/35, so things are even smaller

I'm not in a hurry to get this one finished, and I'm still working on details (and the soldiers) of the Hanomag

I'm also waiting on some paint to get here, I decided I will paint the BMW the same color as the Hanomag, but I will cut the paint with some white to lighten the shade, so the details pop better
I’ve done a lot of 1/35 scale armored vehicles over the years, mostly tanks. The smaller parts can be a trial, but with a good pair of tweezers that don’t require too much pressure to grip things and a quality liquid glue you‘ll likely have little trouble dealing with them.

Is the Hanomag panzer grey, or the later war overall sand and camouflage? Knowing which version of it you built would probably answer that question.
the Hanomag is a C version, which, if i understand correctly, was painted both in panzer grey and the later sand
i felt like it should have the grey paint

(just realized, i dont have any pictures of it with the tracks on)


as you can tell, i took some poetic license, by painting the interior cream colored
i decided it would simply look better that way, and im not building museum pieces here

i was also thinking of skipping the rear gun swivel and mounting the MG34 right unto the rear of the truck, simply because i think it would look better

i also did a lot of messing around with the crew (man i wish i had taken better care of the flash lines on them)
i painted some in the typical whermacht uniforms, and some got the oakleaf camo on their uniforms

i guess it makes more sense to have the entire crew wear the same uniforms, but i just wanted to play with it a little

once i get them done, i will post some updates on the Hanomag kit
Getting back in it

the grey paint on the Hanomag is what i intend to use as a base for the BMW as well, but lightened up a bit with some white
Nice. I've always liked seeing the early vehicles in panzer grey. It gives them a somewhat sinister look. I have a Bandai 1/48 scale Opel Maultier done up that way. On the other hand, the overall sand scheme allows for lots of different and interesting camouflage patterns, which are totally wasted on something as small as a 1/35th scale motorcycle. So panzer grey sounds like a good plan.
well, i decided on a lighter color, vallejo blue grey pale 70-905
in part because i wanted something lighter, and mostly, because i have that paint and it allows me to paint parts in stages and not have to worry about mixing it right each time

because of the way the engine sits in the frame, i decided to brush that
(this is just a first coat, but at least the engine is home)

so far, i am not impressed with the quality of this kit
the amount of flash is quite large, and i have broken two parts allready
in my opinion, because of the way they were cast on the spruce

so many parts have the little nubs on them, i would really have liked to have seen a few of those nubs on these little pieces to protect them

(The fenders and front fork are just mocked up for a visual...kinda looks like a orange county chopper like this...don't worry, we'll fix that)


had a little bit of time left and right to work on it, but not much to show

to give you an idea of how many teeny tiny parts are in this kit, look at the instructions for the passenger seat


that is a grand total of 6 parts for a section of the model that is no bigger then my pinky nail
in comparison, here are the instructions for the passenger AND driver seat of a 68 dodge dart (in 1:25)


so needless to say, this is slowing my down a little
i did get the side carts body put together

it is a fun kit, just taking a while
(i got started on the soldiers, but really need to have the bike done in order to get the soldiers just right)

and of course, im saving the prom date for last
Got a few more pieces mocked is crazy how bad my paint looks under flash


Me and the boy spend some time working on our models yesterday (he's building one of the hanomag half tracks aswell) and I got to work on the beamer

I still need a few more coats on the rider, but he was able to pick his date up for prom nite
