Brighter dash lights..?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Earlier this week I asked for opinions on getting brighter dash / gauge lights.
A lot of good feedback, mostly recommendations for LED's. I installed several different brands and they all seem to greatly improve the brightness...but, none of them worked without some issue, like not being dimmable or causing blinker lights to stay set of LED"s looked great but had a constant flickering. Is there something that needs to be added or done to get the LED's to function properly..?
You cannot use LED bulbs in flashers. I guess you found that out. Most are not dimmable, but that never bothered me. I have the three instrument bulbs in Vixen's dash replaced with LEDs ans I really like it. Really bright and I don't give a fig that I lost the dimmer ability.
You cannot use LED bulbs in flashers. I guess you found that out. Most are not dimmable, but that never bothered me. I have the three instrument bulbs in Vixen's dash replaced with LEDs ans I really like it. Really bright and I don't give a fig that I lost the dimmer ability.
I'm with you as far as not really caring about that...just figured if there was an option out there I'd try it. Apparently you can use LED's for the flashers, you just have to use an electric flasher plug. I just watched a video explaining that.
I'm with you as far as not really caring about that...just figured if there was an option out there I'd try it. Apparently you can use LED's for the flashers, you just have to use an electric flasher plug. I just watched a video explaining that.
There are some LEDs on the market now that claim to be dimmable. I've tried some and they are not very linear, if that makes sense. I don't know if that's indicative of all of them or not.
There are some LEDs on the market now that claim to be dimmable. I've tried some and they are not very linear, if that makes sense. I don't know if that's indicative of all of them or not.
RRR, I'm using the Sylvania leds in my Rallye dash. They work fine with the dimmer.

!968 Barracuda.
Also, replace the 1157's with Honda 2357's.

They are much brighter and not much chance of melting any thing as the brake lights are usually only momentary. I did this upgrade and increased the rear visibility significantly. Especially as the brake light portion of the 68 barracuda is so small to begin with.

One caveat, if you buy the Honda bulbs, make sure you get the nickel base which is an authentic Honda part and comes in a Honda package. Dealer parts dept may try to push off an 1157 on you. Nickel base is the giveaway.

I read this tip on here somewhere. Posted by SlantsixDan I think.