Broke Back Mountain My A$$!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
South Charleston, WV
Tom and Earl were two old cowboys. They had been out on the range for 40 years. They decided to go back to their home town they grew up in...Vegas.

They walked around and Tom said, "This town has changed a bit, let's go to that bar, the All Nighter, where we used to go. Surely it's still the same." Earl agreed so off they went.

When they walked in, there were a few changes, there was a lighted dance floor, dim lights and loud music, but all the fellas in there were dressed just like Tom and Earl, in leather chaps and boots and hats.

Earl went up to the bar and ordered a beer. Tom went to the bar as well. When the bartender asked, "What would you like?" Tom exclaimed." I'm so thirsty, I could lick the sweat off a bull's balls!"

To which the bartender said."Moo-Moo big boy!"
~He never heard the shot
That t'weren't no 'find"... I made that one up m'self!! :-\"
Very good Mary :cheers: You have the gift :-D
Here is two that I made up when I was working at a parts store and they just came to me.:clock:

#1 Do you know what a relay is 8) Its when she gives you another chance=P~

#2 Do you know what a caliper is 8) Its a person that kisses cow's :toothy10:

I handed a receipt to my wife for a starter relay, I Then ask for a second chance, it took her a moment then she throw it at me :toothy10::toothy10:
What do yawl think of euthanasia. I think they ought to stay where their at.
What do yawl think of euthanasia. I think they ought to stay where their at.

I had to look that word up= Comprehensive information for research on euthanasia, assisted suicide, living wills, and mercy killing.:read2: