Camping in Bedford, PA this weekend



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Manchester, MD
Nice little campground we picked on a whim. Rolled in yesterday afternoon. Didn't realize we were only 30 minutes from the flight 93 memorial, so we took the kids. Did a covered bridge detour on the way. We also had to check out Gravity Hill Road to see if we really could drift uphill - it's just a visual thing , but dang if the road doesn't look uphill where you stop to put it in neutral and start drifting.
We're already talking about the next time we come out here. We want to take the kids to all 9 covered bridges in the area. They loved the one we saw and crossed today. It's only 2.5 hours from home.
Lots to see not far from there too. Little Grand Canyon PA, Little League Hall of Fame, and one of the last stands of old growth Forrest left on the East Coast. It reminds you of what this country was forested like before we logged it into oblivion.
Went through there a few weeks ago, travelling on the Turnpike. Only saw what I could see from the windshield of a U-Haul truck. I did find a classic rock station that played some kick-*** music. Don't remember the station, though. Lol.
That station was up around 107, I think. We could only get 2 or 3 stations and that one was preferred.