Camshaft and eccentric ring 1 or 2 pieces of key stock


lee g

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
I posted something earlier but I think i asked the question wrong. I am trying me best to get my 360 together and lost the key stock to my camshaft and can't remember if it was one special piece or two pieces. Everything I find list a normal woodruff key but it doesn't stick out past the end of the camshaft to catch the slot in the fuel pump eccentric ring.
It's one piece. If you go to a local hardware store (like Ace) in the fastener aisle there is a drawer with key ways or "woodruff keys". They come in different widths and lengths. Bring your cam there and pick out the one that you need.

I had to buy an extra long one to fix a Hughes engines cam nose adapter kit that they designed poorly.
Jesus Christmas I gave you the frakken part number for what you needed. How much easier is it than that?
I spent 4 hours looking locally and everything I found is a typical half moon. None of them will reach past the end of the camshaft to fit in the eccentric ring. I went to Orielly, Autozone, Advance, car quest, and 2 small hardware stores. All the pics I have seen on the Internet show a typical half moon. I found one that I could grind on and possibly make work but I was hoping to find one that fits exact.
Still learning. Not trying to irritate people. I try to exhaust all the research I can before asking and making sure I fully understand before I move forward.
Sleepyhead 416 just a picture would help. I bought one locally a few weeks back but once you insert it into the camshaft and slide the timing sprocket/gear on there is no part of the key showing past the sprocket/gear. Should the recess that is cut for the key on the camshaft be past the end of the camshaft "snout"?
If the half moon doesn't reach far enough to engage the eccentric, you are putting something together wrong.
If the cam gear is not all the way back on the camshaft, that could be the cause.
If the cam gear is not all the way back on the camshaft, that could be the cause.

Yes. the cam can 'walk' back when you try to put the gear on. Try using the conical "washer' and bolt for the cam gear to help seat the gear all the way. then back off on the bolt and install the eccentric.

As you keep trying to pound/push the cam gear on, the cam keeps "walking" towards the rear of the engine.... :banghead:
Have you put the bolt on and torqued it down yet? Mine did not look like it would engage the fuel pump centric but once I torqued it down all is good. Like Rusty said the cam gear is probably not on all the way back. You can loosen the bolt take it off after you have torqued it the first time and then place the centric back on and you should be able to see it in the slot on the centric. If your cam socket moves so much that you cannot do what I just described something else is up. Hope this helped
One your camshaft is the notch for the key stock cut/notched all the way to the end where the eccentric bolts on? My timing sprocket sits flush on the end of the camshaft and the key stock can't hardly be seen. Is it possible that its not made for mechanical fuel pump? It's a lunati 60401.
Here is what my old cam key way looked like on the stick. Still a little metal before end of cam.


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Most autoparts stores have them in the performance parts section , one that says its for a chevy will work
One your camshaft is the notch for the key stock cut/notched all the way to the end where the eccentric bolts on? My timing sprocket sits flush on the end of the camshaft and the key stock can't hardly be seen. Is it possible that its not made for mechanical fuel pump? It's a lunati 60401.

Follow the instructions in post #11.
I will check the camshaft to see if it walked and post when I do. Unfortunately it will be about 2 weeks due to my work schedule. Thanks for all the info
If the snout of your cam is flush with the cam gear, that's your problem. the cam snout should protrude out of the cam gear. Along with the end of the key.