Can coated headers be dinged?



May 24, 2007
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I'm putting a B-based 451 in a '68 Valiant and I'm trying to decide what to do about the headers. The TTIs are too pricey ($850!) for my budget, the schumachers are too small (1 5/8" primaries), so I think I'm going to try the headman B-body headers. I'd prefer to buy them pre-coated but I'm wondering if anything happens to the coating when you dimple the headers to fit the chassis? Has anyone dimpled their coated headers without damaging the coating? I can always buy them just painted, then dimple them, and then have them coated, but I'd rather get them coated from the start if I can get away with it.
I'm putting a B-based 451 in a '68 Valiant and I'm trying to decide what to do about the headers. The TTIs are too pricey ($850!) for my budget, the schumachers are too small (1 5/8" primaries), so I think I'm going to try the headman B-body headers. I'd prefer to buy them pre-coated but I'm wondering if anything happens to the coating when you dimple the headers to fit the chassis? Has anyone dimpled their coated headers without damaging the coating? I can always buy them just painted, then dimple them, and then have them coated, but I'd rather get them coated from the start if I can get away with it.

Sure you can dimple them , but more likely than not the coating will get damaged , best way is to buy them uncoated , fit them , then have them coated .

Maddog sells a header that will fit for $550 , but that's uncoated , how big a tube do you need ?
Good advice from JohnRR x2.

Performance Coatings (the high temp ceramic coatings company I deal with) also recommends that new headers be fully mocked up / dinked before getting coated.
Thanks for the replies, that's what I was afraid of. I also got a response from Hedman that the coating will probably crack if dimpled and they recommended that if dimpling is required to use a razor blade and scratch a circle around the area before you dimple it that way the crack won't spread too far. After that they said just to paint the area to protect it. I started this thread because I wanted to order the B/E body 1 3/4" Hedman Elite series headers (thick flanges and primaries) but they only come coated. Not sure I want a "hot spot" in thermally coated headers, but that might be a better option than having the standard-series headers fully coated and have to live with thin flanges and primaries...