Can I get a vote??



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Actually the vote is for my mom. Both her and my stepfather have owned their interior design store for more than 30 years and Toronto's local independent newspaper is looking to nominate their store. Very cool store and I loved working there years ago. Cool stuff! Their store is called Urban Mode.
Check their website out

Here is the link to where you nominate their store

Cheers n thanks
They got my vote Steve , I dig retro and your folks have it going on :cheers:
Done brother. Did you get moved ok?

Yep Im here in Sask....been in a motel for a month:banghead: good lord its boring!! I move outta here this weekend into a basement apartment with a real nice couple living upstairs...hopefully life will get somewhat normal.

Thanks all for the votes!

FYI, at the risk of sounding biased my Mom and her husband John were pioneers when design started in Toronto...they travelled all over the world to get design ideas from France, Japan, California etc...then the internet hit and shopping was/is done differently. Mom actually designs some of their couches and has local mfg's make them.

Thanks again!
Hey there is some pretty neat stuff there Steve!

Wow, that place is so cool. It is a long way from North Carolina, but my daughter is moving into a new house in a couple weeks and I will send her the link. She will love it. I will vote too.
I couldn't get the link to work, but I did cast my vote. Good luck to them:cheers: