Can you figure this out ?

... In this dream I am driving a white '73 cadillac convertible with Jenilee Harrison (she replaced Suzanne summers on three's company). We are driving on a two lane highway when our car suddenly goes off the road into a ditch, as the mounties arrive on horseback, 2 dozen midgets (or little people...I don't mean any disrespect) come running out of the trunk. I am taken to prison and charged with smuggeling midgets across the border. What the hell does that mean ? I wasn't drinking or nothing...what do you guys think ?

Traveling down a road symbolizes your life. You are driving, so you are or should be, in control (responsible for what happens). Who is in the car with you is of no meaning...could be anybody, but just means you are responsible for another person, are supposed to be taking care of somebody else. Running into the ditch is self-explanatory; you fear making a mistake or being out of control. In your dream your failure results in unintended consequences (the midgets). The midgets themselves do not represent anything specific. The Mounties represent authority or power. In general the dream only symbolizes your fear of being persecuted unfairly or being held responsible for something you didn't intend; as well as the fear you will not live up to your responsibilities. Perhaps you sometimes think that you are too much of a nice guy and let people run over you.

Or, it could just be random neurons firing in your brain as you sleep.