Canceled Super Hero Shows


Yeah I've watched "The Tick" when it was on TV. Arthur makes the show though..

Hmm I'll try to remember other shows like it....

I loved "The Tick". Patrick Warburton was the voice. The ensemble cast was hilarious.

American Maid

Der Fliedermaus

I can't remember them all, but it was so bad, it was funny.

The one I recall from my childhood is "The Mighty Heroes". Diaperman, TornadoMan, and the rest, out fighting crime.
THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO with Robert Culp (from I Spy) was my favorite!
[ame=""]YouTube - Greatest American Hero Intro[/ame]
LOVED the Tick!! What, like 3 or 4 seasons? Die Flutermause (sp?) was my favorite, did you know that was german for "bat" (literally fluttering mouse)? Sewer Urchine was also a riot!
Don't forget these super heroes!!!

[ame=""]YouTube - The Mighty Heroes - theme[/ame]