car dies after peeling out



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnnati, Ohio
I had an instance today after while I was out cruising around. Close to my house there is a large 4-way intersection. There was little traffic so I decided to have some fun. When I made the left turn I mashed the throttle. Lots of tire squealing and the roar of the exhaust it was great. I have never really done this before with the car so I didn't know what to expect. I sort of lost control and the car went almost completely sideways then once I straightened up I realized it had died. So I had to come to a stop. Nobody was behind me but it did suck putting on a scene right infront of a park then the car quits. It fired up fine and drove the rest of the way fine. But I couldn't believe it just died. Im guessing its a fuel issue. I really wasn't expecting it to go sideways. Having a limited-slip its probably not a good idea to do that when making a turn. Have any opinions on why the car would quit?

Any info is greatly appreciated, thanks
I would suspect you only had about a 1/4 tank of gas? And it went side ways to cause the fuel that was in it to go away from the pickup and starve the motor.Might be a good idea to weld in a sump on the bottom of the tank to pull fuel from the bottom then pulling it through a tube from the top,as it is uncovering the pickup tube and you are sucking air,mrmopartech
sorry, I guess I should have mentioned I was just coming back from the gas station lol The gauge does not work so I had no clue what I had left so I put $20 in. Besides that it would have been a possibility that I was low on gas. The floats could be causing it too. I know its not a big deal but if I ever do it again or something similar I just don't want the car to quit again.

thanks guys
is it an edelbrock? I don't know the casue of it but mine does the same thing. Also if you smash it and it is dumping fuel it can flood out when you let off real quick.
sounds like your balls got enlarged.
take two aspirin and try to keep the car straight next time.
I think I determined the cause being I immediatley let off the gas when I had it almost to the floor as some of you had mentioned. Next time I'll practice in an open parking lot so I can learn the car more. And yes it is an edelbrock.
