Car runs, gets hot, then dies. Cant restart until cooler.

It could also be the ignition switch. They do go bad and give the same symptoms. I would also look at the fusable link and check the connections at the bulk head
When mounting a coil horizontally, make sure the +&- terminals are horizontal as well(9&3 oclock). This will ensure that the oil is covering both terminals.

Also when you say no spark when hot, check power to coil, check ohms at the pickup coil. Is there no spark out of coil or just not to plugs?

It was just no spark to the plugs. I currently cannot confirm the others. I'll be getting that testing equipment for Christmas. lol. I ordered the pickup coil today and will be putting the distributor back together to hopefully cure the issue. I'll keep you all posted.

I just wanna drive the car!!!
So your saying you DO have spark out of the coil to the distributor? No equipment is needed for that test.
Somewhat of a longshot but when I first got my car it did exactly what you described.
It was the distributor plug (when the engine bay got hot the plug expanded and lost contact)
When it cooled down it was fine again.