Car Thesaurus?



Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Speedway, IN
OK, so im new to the whole car thing, well, ive at least been learning over the past year and a half or so. and ive noticed that there are a lot of different names for different parts.

Well, ive been thinking why isnt there a car thesaurus. havent been able to find anything like that, so i want to make my own, and share. now Im kinda having a slow start and cant think of anything right off the bat. but I really need help either way. i know ive seen a lot of different wording, and whether its just stuff you personally have been calling it or if thats what a group of people call it. i dont know, i just want to help me and other auto ignorant people like me out. we had our car (civic) looked at by edwards transmissions and they said the a-frame was bent, but after about 10min lookin online, its the control arm.

So, the help part, I made a wiki page and i want all the help from everyone here and more from other forums im going to go look for. ill probably bump this every so often. but to help. go to edit, on the words line. add anything to help dont care what part it is even if its a nick name for a special nut, i dont care, but want build this as big as i can.

so hit edit, and hit save page, but once you hit save page, you have to enter a simple math problem at the top and hit save page again. again thanks for all the help.
A-frame isn't really correct, at least I've never heard it applied to a car part. They're called a-arms, but only when they're shaped like an "A" (more like a "V" but they're never called "V-arms").
A-frame isn't really correct, at least I've never heard it applied to a car part. They're called a-arms, but only when they're shaped like an "A" (more like a "V" but they're never called "V-arms").

they may have meant a-arm, that would make more sense, but i know they said a-frame because my mom was freaking out thinking it was totaled.