Car wont start sometimes... need help.



Well-Known Member
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
London Ontario
hello everyone, i have a 1970 dodge dart swinger 340 4 speed that i am having trouble starting.
Recently i had a dual point distributor installed and now i am having problems getting the car to start.
Last year with my old distributor i could start the car fine every time i tried.
Now i can usually start the car first try after its bin sitting for a few days, i just give it some gas and turn it over.
so today i did that, it started fine i took it to the gas station shut it off and it started fine, i came home parked it in the drive way went out about 20 mins later tried to start it wont go... just keeps turning over. it has bin doing this to me most of the time when i take it out park it then try and start it again

If anyone has any ideas of what might me going on let me know please.
Also it still has the original starter if that would be causing the problem?
I would check it out when it is acting up to see if its missing spark or getting gas. A lot of times things break down when they get hot. I would put a plug on a wire and crank and see if your getting a nice blue spark, also check at the coil wire for a blue spark. Personally if I was you and there is a ignition issue , I would do a mopar electronic conversion and ditch the points, factory electronic setup is a good reliable setup , no more maintenance with burn up points, or shorted condensors, etc.
I would say it is your distributor because I was having the same problem. It would start fine after parked over night then I would drive it park and then it would just turn over. It would eventually start , then one day it wouldn't start in the garage after being park and found that the distributor was bad no spark. I bought a new one and haven't had any problem starting since.
Good luck with it.
it is a brand new distributor. i was thinking about buying a pertronix ignition to get rid of the points.
Whats everyone think?
Im pretty sure its not a gas issue it seems to flood easy
Put the single point distributor back in it. Dual points are for HIGH rpm, not street rpm anyway. Besides that, it's old technology anyway, and like was said in another post, the Mopar electronic distributor is far superior.
If you insist on the dual point set up, my GUESS would be the points are not set correctly.

its not a gas issue it seems to flood easy

this makes no sense. easy flooding is exactly a gas issue. if you are pumping the crap out of it and flooding it , it will take forever to start. if the floats are set too high it will flood and drip gas out of the boosters and take forever to start. if you have excessive fuel pressure it will flood out and take forever to start. if you have heat soak and gas percolating or fuel boil, it will take forever to start. i would make sure you are not having a fuel/carb issue first. but thats me.