Carb help



May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Rio Rancho, NM
Not sure if this should be in fuel or /6 section, but here you go.

Got a Holley 1920 one barrel carb on the slant. Was not running that great so kitted it. Found previous owner lost an internal spring (still looking for one of those if anyone has some parts), bent in the bowl attaching screw mounts and bent the economizer valve top by overtightening. Did the best I could to get them seated right and was able to replace the economizer top, but carb runs badly.

If I adjust the mix screw it makes no difference to vac. I believe this carb is leaking air. I sprayed the intake connection to the head with carb cleaner and got no difference in running. When I sprayed on the carb body I got a change in idle.

So, I've read quite a few posts on these carbs either being good or bad. Also read that parts store remans are junk. The question then comes up is there a carb that is easily found (i.e. might be bought resonably as funds are not overly plentiful) that easily adapts to the Slant without having to get lots of fabricated parts etc. and is reliable?

I know there is the super six set ups, but not found any in the scrappie. Also sounds like the swap is pretty involved and best not to piece meal off Ebay etc. Everything I've read is it seems like it is best to swap everything off a car in one go so as not to potentially have problems.

I wondered if the carb adaptors I see in the Clifford catalogue are any good? Shows to adapt a one barrel to a two barrel DGV and they listed another that I can't remember what it was.

Anyone done this type thing? What about being able to use the stock linkage, kick down, have all the brackets on the carb needed?

Thanks for any help. Looking for budget minded solutions with an emphasis toward fuel economy and then power.

If you really want to swap something else, try Langdon's at They sell Holley/Weber progressive 2 barrels, adapters, and etc. for cheap and are great to work with. If you want to keep what you have, I have a rebuildable 1920 you can have if you will PM an address. Take your pick.
Thanks for posting. I'll have a look at the site. Just a bit frustrated with the existing carb. Sending a PM in a mo'.

First of all the 1920 is a very good carb.I liked them better than the Carter bbs.

The adapter to go from 1bbl to 2bbl to me is a waste of time,plus your linkage will have to be tweaked.

If I were you I would either get a rebuilt 1920 and slap it on there.
You can get a rebuilt from Holley for $120.00.Or rebuild one yourself.

Or I would go full throttle into either a 2bbl or 4bbl set-up.

Picture 470.jpg
Nice looking engine bay! Wish mine looked that nice.

I just PM'd grumpuscreature on the rebuildable 1920 core. Perhaps can get that one rebuilt and running. Think the one I've got has been mucked about with too much and the previous owners have damaged too many bits.

Hope that will work as looking for a really budget minded solution as extra funds are not that plentiful.

Would love a setup like the one in your picture. Not in the budget though and need to get the best economy I can right now so probably not the ideal choice for me.

Was just so frustrated with this carb that the thought of bolting on an adapter and putting on perhaps a more reliable (if that is the correct word to use from my perception) carb was my knee jerk reaction.

Was just looking at a Super Six set up this AM on Ebay. Think the seller wanted $300 or something like that as a start bid! Supposed to be the full kit although I don't remember it having the linkage stuff. Might have. More than my budget again.

Thanks for your post! Love that picture.
