care packages for the troops carshow



Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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manchester, ct
The gear head mafia car club inc of connecticut will be hosting our second annual " care packages for the troops" car show May 20th 2017 at the elks club , 98 woodland street, south glastonbury, ct from 10 am till 3 pm. There will be great prize raffles, a 50 - 50 raffle, on display will be race cars, military trucks, gassers and monster trucks. There will be a hotwheels race track for the kids with free hotwheels cars for them to keep and trophies for the winners of the races, There will be food and drink. There will be several classes of antique and classic show vehicles with trophies for those winners. Will be a fun day for everyone so save the date May 20th, 2017, with the rain date being May 21st, and come on out and help us to make this years show a huge success for our troops. All proceeds from the show go into making care packages and shipping them to the troops. Thanks, mike elliott, V.P. for the gear head mafia car club inc of connecticut.