Career changing offer I have wanted since June 18, 1976



Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Central Indiana
June 18th 1976 is the day I hired in at Chrysler. My dad was a skilled trades machine repair. From the day I hired in I wanted to get my journeyman card.

I worked at Chrysler electrical plant from 76-79 when the economy tanked and the big three laid off a large number of workers.

In the late 80's I could have went back to Chrysler but was raising my preschool daughter so I choose not to return to chrysler to be able to raise my daughter. If I had went back would have been working evenings and she was getting ready to start school, would not have been there for her.

In 1997 I got a job at Ford, they gave the apprentice test in 1998 and at that time I took it. They put 48 people on the list, I was one. So now was my chance to become a journeyman skilled trade member. Over the years they put some apprentice on, but with a down turn not all of us made it. 22 people were left on the list.

When I transfered to Louisville I thought that was the end of the line for me. But they said if you were on the list at your home plant then we just had to sign up that we wanted to be on the list there.

It has been 3 years and they haven't put any on but had a meeting with the guy in charge of the program and he said that they would be offering some positions soon and what choices I wanted. I was down for machine repair, millwright and pipe fitter. Having worked maintenance for 18 years plus 2 years of auto mechanics school figured I had done all the trades so 1st available. Well LAP doesn't have machine repair so I got to pick another trade. This time I put down tool maker as my 3dr trade.

Last week had another meeting and was offered an apperentince in toolmaker trade. Finally after 39 years I was going to be able to start the apprentice program.

57 years old, with a wife with PARKINSON that has been 12-13 years and having DBS surgery last year and not doing well since then it was a hard day to tell him that I would not be able to join the team. A 4 year program with schooling at night, swing shifts, it just would not work for me now. I switched shifts to be home more.

For something I wanted for so long to have to turn it down, I just hope the person that they offer this position to appreciates the opportunity that they are being given.

10 years ago I would have been able to do it. But I may not be able to work 4 more years if I have to take care of my wife. The long hours today is hard. 10-11 hours a day 4 days a week.

If I do take early retirement I will still have to have a job but one with more flexibility than working in a body assembly plant.

Just difficult to give up a dream, but it is past my time for that.
Ever thought of joining a building trade like the plumbers? Jman carpenter, it's been a good ride! Although those plumbers and electricians and elevator tech get it easy!

There's always a silver lining; I wish you the best!
Sorry it didn't work out like you hoped, but their is always a reason for everything. It's best your putting your Family first. Best wishes to you.
Sounds to me like you live your life putting others first. I commend you for that. You will be ultimately rewarded.
Don't regret it. With the new management, it's not the same there as it used to be...