Check out my new movie!!!

I'm hoping Leanna looks something like this cudachick!

Hope all you like there Gear Jammer ... but THAT'S not The CudaChick. For an old lady with a used car, I'm not too unhappy with how I look.

If you watch the movie you can get a little glimpse. ;-)
Hey Leanna, seen our 'bird in there!!!
Great intro for the shop.
Wow!! Just watched the clip-- very impressive !! The background music was a soothing touch. Wishing you much success, with your perfectionist attitude I think the word of mouth will continue to grow.
Great work from a vendor who cares!!
ps. I kept waiting for the smoke to roll out when the cuda chick drove away!!
All hail to the mistress of multicolored powders! The meticulous detail exhibited especially with the multicolored items is true art. The restoration of the parts before coating, equally superb. Good thing you got the kitteh's supervising things! :p

Excellent video, best 8 minutes spent. (Oh OK 16 minutes, I watched it twice!) :)
Holy cow, over 1700 views in not even a month!?! Thanks ya'll -- I'm honored you took a few minutes to check it out. < curtsey >