Check out this new speed bump



Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Aguanga, CA.
I think that could cause a lot of accidents. I'll take the old fashioned speed bump.
This can cause nothing but problems.

Wow, when will governments realize people will drive at speeds they are comfortable with instead of the speed they impose on us. Unfortunately most drivers feel "comfortable" at speeds beyond their attention levels or abilities, but as the article says "that's a whole different problem."
A child will end up dying because someone will think they were a "speed bump". You watch and see.
I read some of the comments left below the article and thought this one was pretty funny.

"and around the corner where traffic must speed up to merge they use a B. Obama instead of a little girl picture" by dgstal

I did make a change of a spelling error that was there, but again, I can't take credit for making the statement but it did make me laugh a little.
Seems to me the inventor got a little defensive about answering some of the questions, especially about people getting conditioned.

"Pedestrians need an attitude shift too," isn't an answer to the question.

I see people getting hurt because of this. Oh, well, that's not really a little girl, it's just another speed bump...
Hey, last night Leno said that someone had proposed a law in Nevada (I think that's where it was) where you could pay an extra $25 a year & be allowed to drive up to 90 mph in certain areas. Now that's a law I could live with! Although I'm sure there's a lot of people with more money than brains that would just pay & drive fast but they're probably already driving fast anyway.
I'll tell what this Canadian did to slow an SOB down. A couple years back I had a situation much like this happen in my neighborhood. I live on a wide street with very few cars parked on it (all the houses got driveways) but houses both sides and down about 4 blocks a school construction was going on. All day long gravel trucks would travel back and forth and most kept down the speed and noise, but not this 1 SOB. He figured that everyone wanted to hear his jake brakes and had to go full revs through at least 6 gears before travelling a block. I spoke to the construction company to have him tone it down but no, wouldn't listen. So one day I waited for him to turn down our street and start giving her and just when he was almost at my house I threw a basket ball out on the street. Well this dude locked up all 4 duals before coming to a stop well past where the ball was. Then when I went to get the ball he started lipping me off till I asked how he would have felt if he had flattened some kid chasing the ball. Oh he reported me to the cops (not sure for what) then the cops jumped him, seems they'd been getting complains about this idiot the last couple days. After that things got real quiet on our street. The morale to this story is some of these drivers are off in La La land while driving and need something (short of slapping them in the side of the head) to wake them up.
I'd be layin' down some Mickey Thompson rubber all over that "speed bump". Then they would have to waste their time and $$$ to repaint the stupid thing.
