Christmas plans got screwed up....



Member #9641
Mar 31, 2009
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Heart of Georgia
Christmas plan was to meet with my son and daughter at my son's house for Christmas. He lives in N.M.
We left Georgia on Tuesday morning, got here on Wednesday evening. My son had Thursday off, but had to work Christmas Eve, and today, Christmas Day. HE will be home this afternoon. My daughter was supposed to fly in from Florida, but her flight got canceled, so she's not here, either. Luckily, she doesn't have to be alone because my wife's sister and her family live in the same town, so she is going to spend Christmas with them. Family is family I suppose.
My oldest son is in NY, and couldn't make out here at all due to some last minute conditions at his job, so he needs to be at work tomorrow back in NY.

So, it seems everything went to crap within a 24 hour period.

We'll have Christmas with my middle son here in N.M. tomorrow, and probably leave here on Monday for Florida to have Christmas with my daughter during the week (Wed or Thurs), and my oldest son and his family should be down to visit us in Georgia the week of Jan. 8th.

I hope your Christmas holiday is going much better than ours.

Merry Christmas to all.
Sounds like a bummer but atleast they are all safe. Hope it works out for you, have a Merry Christmas!
[quote-66340sedan]Sounds like a bummer but atleast they are all safe. Hope it works out for you, have a Merry Christmas! [/quote]

Thanks, Big guy.

Just received news that my sister is in ICU for chest pains and shortness of breath. This holiday stuff just keeps getting better and better. GEEZ!!!!!!
The silver lining to the cloud may be your son could not have made it back to New York because they got 24" of snow day after christmas and the airports were closed until today. If he was driving it would have been worse: blizzard conditions: visibility of just a few feet at times.
At least all your family is warm and dry. My son is homeless and cold in Savannah. No idea where his next meal is comin from and not interested in any help from me. Consider yourself fortunate. Prayers sent for your sister.
All good points guys.

Stroker, why doesn't you son just come home? I mean, hell, if necessary, you and I can take a ride over to Savannah, and get him (if you don't mind driving in a GMC truck, that is).
Frankie, I feel for ya brother. I was bumming that my girls were going to be in N.M. for Christmas with their mom. I was given the best present to have them both standing in front of me at 2:30 in the morning on the 24th. This was my first with them both in several years. All I can say is (and you know this) they are always with you in their hearts. Hey, at least you get a road trip out of it.
Saying a prayer for your sis.
Hey Frankie sorry to hear bout the problems. Hope 2011 is better for you!
Sorry to hear strokerscamp about your difficulties as well
Hey guys, Sorry to hear about your troubles, and I will pray for you (wheather you want me to or not). My Christmas went GREAT and it is easy to take that for granted. I hope every FABO member remembers this year to be thankful of the things they have, and always mindful of all those who are having a rough time of it. We are all here to share in the good and the bad.
All good points guys.

Stroker, why doesn't you son just come home? I mean, hell, if necessary, you and I can take a ride over to Savannah, and get him (if you don't mind driving in a GMC truck, that is).

I appreciate the offer, I really do. But he's 20 years old and been through at least 60 jobs since he turned 14. He will not work. He won't even pull his weight around the house and plays little mind games trying to get between us. I cannot have that under my roof any longer as much as it hurts. He's been gone since May, so no tellin what's he's gotten into. He's on his own and all we can do at this point is pray for him.