


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2007
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It seems like every year the stores put holiday stuff out a little bit earlier. I can understand that you want to get a jump on things, that's good business. But I don't remember ever seeing Santa Claus sharing shelf space with a witch before, especially in the first week of October. I didn't see any Thanksgiving stuff, just Christmas and Halloween.
Is it just me, or is Santa a little too early this year?
74duster, you must have read my mind. When I was at Home Depot last night (doing my b-day thing), I looked over and saw their big Xmas decor section all ready up. I walk over and just stand there looking upwards at all the huge inflatable figures.

An employee walks up and asks if all the decorations are getting me in the Xmas spirit. I turn to him and say, "Are you kidding? I haven't even figured out the pulley system for all of my flying ghosts in the front yard for Halloween and haven't even made our annual Thanksgiving reservations at Yosemite yet." Once again, he asks, "Not even a little bit?" I look at him with the most emotion-less face possible and in a monotone reply say, "Not even a little bit." I am completely bah-humbug right now but it will change the day after Thanksgiving. ;)
Happy late birthday GTXperience!
I was at Lowe's, so apparently it's not just one place that's doing this. I know Christmas is the biggest sales time of the year, but jeeeeeeez!
I think if they leave this stuff up too long people will get tired of it, and it will have the opposite affect. Besides- that's not what Christmas is all about anyway.