Classmates dying?

I've know a few people that have been effected by drug use...It's not pretty. Ive never touched nor will I ever touch them.

Up here it seems cocaine is rampant. A few of my friends that went to work up north on the oilsands are all heavy cocaine users. Not really my friends anymore...

What I thought was bad was the outbreak of ecstasy use when I was In Jr high! grades 8-9 to be exact.

Not as "bad" as meth or heroine but nonetheless something to steer clear of.
If your interested in the real statistics of drug use there is a text book I got from
One of my classes in school that really surprised me. The stats the government uses hide the truth of the situation in this country. ****** and meth and cocain are all a bad problem that needs to be addressed but the number of prescription medication a users is astronomical and yet rarely gets attention because the majority of the victims are elderly and we tend to turn a blind eye to that. I'll add the name of the book when I get off work and get back to my place. It's a great read and shows just how misunderstood many drugs are.

The Sociology of American Drug Use.
Seems like a hijacked my own thread!
I had 6 friends die just before grade 12 graduation..most due to is what it is...
Lots of younger people succumbing to drugs these days, I'm 55 and back when I was younger the drugs that were around would screw people up but they didn't tend to kill you till you got to the harder stuff. Not the same today, lots of people addicted to pain killers and a lot of new drugs out there that don't leave much room for error. I have seen a lot of 20 somethings go down to drugs around here on the first time they used some of them. Best to just steer way clear of all of those activities. Nothing life can throw at you that would make a drug addiction a better alternative. Fortunately my drug of choice was beer and I never OD'd. Now I rarely even drink.