cleaning heads


Pirate duster

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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alright. i pulled my heads off after i picked my motor up today. they didnt get cleaned so i need to clean them. i work on a plating line and we have a caustic cleaner tank. can i just put the whole head assembly in the tank or should i disassemble it? im not going to turn on the barrel rotation either. im gonna set them in the barrel, every now again pull the barrel up and let it back down. prolly do that for about 20 min. I would like someone elses thoughts on this. thanks
You clean them disassembled, that being said if you paid to have the heads cleaned with the motor and they didn't do it, I'd get them to do it get my money back.
id like to do that but my brother had it at his school as a project. since hes only 17 ill let him slip. i let him have it though. thanks.