Cleaning the river



Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2007
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Hampton Va.
Im missing my home and the Cuda. I'm in New Orleans to help clean up the river. And it is a mess, there is oil along the banks for 90 miles. I thought I'd put some cleanup pics on here. Dont know if there might be some members that are in the area. Sorry I had to put some pics of where I left off when I got the call to come here to run a boat for this clean up. Hope this has no long term effect on this area, they have had enough.

new orleans 030.JPE

new orleans 022.JPE

new orleans 042.JPE

new orleans 045.JPE

new orleans 046.JPE

new orleans 017.JPE

new orleans 008.JPE
I really don't have much to say but, THANKS. I don't get to the river to often but I like to know that it is clean. I am retired army, been to Iraq a few times but its USA is where my heart is. If you help to clean it I love you man....
OK I have had a few to drink but still. Thanks for keeping our water clean.
They had a oil spill in New Orleans, It was 417 thousand gals. of #6 oil that is like tar. So they called me down from VA. to run a boat on the recovery effort. Tom
They had a oil spill in New Orleans, It was 417 thousand gals. of #6 oil that is like tar. So they called me down from VA. to run a boat on the recovery effort. Tom

Just what New Orleans didn't oil spill. That area has had enough of their share of crap.

Thanks for posting pix and helping to clean it up. Looks like a h*ll of a tough job, hazmat and all.

Was this recently? If so, I must live in a cave.....Never heard about it myself, but sometimes the cave walls are kinda' thick. :scratch:
You`ve got that right, N.O. has had enough and oil is plenty expensive without dumping it in the river. Lol! That`s a noble thing you`re doing there. The river`s a mess and the engine`s a beauty. Don`t stay gone too long things are already changing, do you know that they closed up the Bass Pro cruising/ parking lot. Too many punks out there doing burnouts, drinking in public, etc.. A new spot is being looked at in Newport Square but someone has to manage it so who knows what`s going to happen. Regards- Johnny
Got parts in at POMOCO got to get them so I can finish the motor. When ever I get home LOL. Take care, Tom
big oil sux. they suck your pocket and the life out of your world. right now i feel cynical of big oil as they have f,ed up my world again. sure it was a tug operator but b/o is responsible
I have not hurd this eather.:angry7:
One day the hole New Orleans area could be nothing but an oil co.:angry7:

Thanks for your help keeping the waters clean for all fishman.
Be carefull and get back home safely .
fishman. I have seen the clean-up in person. We had a flood in Coffeyville Ks a couple of years ago that took out half the town. Only thing is it took the local refinery with it. OIL ALL OVER EVERYTHING!!! I have never seen anything like it. It was unreal.

After the flood waters went down, these guys got out in the 100*+ weather in chem suits to literally scrub, with mops & scrub brushes, all the oil off the trees, streets, highways,river banks, rocks, everything! Even the damn grass!! It was unreal how clean they got it.

Thanks for doing what you do!!:cheers:
IMHO, relocate everyone there (New Orleans) to higher ground and just grow sugar cane on the whole damn delta. That would employ a buttload of people and supply us all with 104 octane ethanol. Either that or make rum out of it. I'll buy both in large quantities, lol.:shock:

Thank you for what you're doing. You da' man!
I thought I was going home tomorrow, but the Barge that spilled the Oil is still on the bottom, They were trying to lift it today and it dumped more oil in the river (5.000 to 10.000 gals) . I think we are looking at a big set back. I thank you all for your comments. Tom

Hope you got this, Longone. Miss the Cuda oh and my wife. LOL
Hope Kim doesn`t read these threads. Lol! Well I`m sure the bank account won`t mind you staying another week or two.