Compter nerd needed



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
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I am sick of dealing with my computer constantly freezing and performing horribly. How do i restore it to how it was new but keep all the progams that i want.

Please help me


Also... Get the FREE program called "ccleaner" (with two C's)
It is open source software, that's why its free, but a quality product that has NEVER screwed up my computer, and it is great a getting rid of old "orphaned files" etc that might be bogging your computer down.
I use it to scan for issues, and then I just trust it to go ahead and fix issues, and it has always found a lot of useless crap, and registry issues and fixed or deleted the offending junk. (Just do a search for it: CCLEANER)
I'll tell you what worked for me one time. I took a Remington 870 12 guage and applied 18 pellets of 000 Buckshot to the motherboard. Didn't fix it, but it made me feel a lot better:evil4:
To answer your question, you can't put it back to what it was and keep all the programs. You could run a repair on Windows but its usually pointless.

You can download and run the program demon seed told you about but I highly recommend downloading this

Run a full scan. Once that is complete, hit the Start button, then RUN.
Type in %Temp% and hit OK
That is your system temp folder, I recommend deleting anything in there that Windows will allow you to delete.

Once your done with that, let me know and I can give you a few more things to do.
ALSO get "CCLEANER" (with two C's- Probably also available at cnet)
CCLEANER is open-source software, therefore it's FREE!! And it's GREAT!
It gets rid of orphaned files, and registry errors, and other junk.
Just "scan for issues" (it will find a LOT) and hit "Fix Issues" and let it do its thing. It has never caused me a problem, and really gets all that junk that's bogging you down out of your way.
When it offers to let you make a back up, do it. You wont need it-I never have, but be safe. It has a few different types of scans it does, so do them all, and worry not.
It was recommended to me by a good friend who works for a big computer company, and he knows his stuff.
I am assuming that the computer is running a lot of programs at start up this usually gets done when the programs get installed. They only need to be be running when they are being used. Edit the msconfig file to correct this and it will free up alot of memory. Then you should show the hidden files and folders so you can delete the temporary internet files and the file in the temp folder under each user's account. You will then want to scan for spyware and viruses and get rid of any detected issues. Then do a defrag of the drives on the computer and reboot the machine, you will notice a dramatic increase in speed then. I am a Microsoft Certified System Engineer and this is the problem with 90% of users problems, good luck!
you could do a system restore. It will put your computer back to a later date that you pick. Only thing is, It WILL remove anything that was installed after the date you pick. Just hit START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, SYSTEM TOOLS, SYSTEM RESTORE. It will ask you to pick a date to restore to. The dates you can pick will be in bold.
Think of your computer as a pickup truck. The more stuff (programs) you throw in the bed, the slower it's going to get. Once you get all the spyware garbage out and are sure that it's not infected with virus's, trojans or worms, there's still some stuff you can do.

1. Turn off the stuff that starts up in the toolbar, sometimes known as the "quickstart option" for a particular program.

2. Turn off the crap you don't really need on the desktop window like "Font smoothing" and "rounded edges".

3. Defrag your hard drive and make sure you actually have some space left. If you're up around 80% full, it's time to add another drive to your machine and move the big files like movies and music to it.

4. Add more memory. You may or may not be able to do this depending upon the motherboards capacity and if you have any open slots left.

These are just a few things you can do, but we need more info to really help you out.

Edit: Looks like 70Dart beat me to it, lol!
well alright

i dont have that many extra programs

all i want is my word powerpoint photoshop outlook and my itunes

everything else i want gone

i want it like it was when i bought it

i do have an external harddrive 250 gig

ive tried all the spyware and the cleaner stuff

it just doesnt work

someone got on here and messed it all up
Get CCLEANER (with two C's...FREE open-source software) It gets rid of TONS of junk that gets left over time and slows you down. It has never failed me, never hurt my system. It will ask if you want to do a back up of some of the registry changes. I always do, but I've never needed the back-up.
Works GREAT!! (cnet probably has it too, or do a search for ccleaner)
Have you tried "" LOL. I get a laugh everytime I see that comercial.:) What kind of system are we talking about? It may be the photoshop software. That is one power hungry program that eats up alot of resources even when your not using it.
Have you tried to run your bigger programs from your external hardrive? You could put your labor intensive software on one hardrive and leave the other one mostly clean for faster performance.
More to the point, which operating system are you using and have you got a virus engine that also controls which programs start and load when you start the computer.

Have you tried to run your bigger programs from your external hardrive? You could put your labor intensive software on one hardrive and leave the other one mostly clean for faster performance.
I LIKE that idea.
Also, Chad(?) you tried the "CCleaner" but that's all you said. I'm guessing it didn't help, or hurt anything.
Yeah, things like Photoshop can really eat-up your resources if they are loading at start-up.
You can get rid of a lot of that stuff (untill you WANT it) by typing into START/RUN/MSCONFIG then look at the tab of start-up stuff. Probably a lot a programs you don't always use getting loaded at start-up.
Can someone verify how to do this for him (Always better not to trust 'some guy' without some verification from 'some other guy' just to be safe. Good luck!!