Computer Help Please, I'm Lost

sounds like you got a hard drive failure and or mobo (motherboard) failure.

i work on computers for a living. just buy a new one. fixing will cost just as much as a cheap new one
I think I can Help!
PM me I will stay around the next couple of days!
I am not sure barge, but I update the computer when notified.

The laptop has been giving me trouble most of the day. I have tried a thorough scan and defrag, but it didn't help.

I had to unplug it several times today....Control/Alt/Delete wouldn't work.

Hardware lockups are caused almost all of the time by one of two things. Power or heat.

No battery is not a problem. If you pull the plug out while it is running, and it shuts off will prove this.

Unfortunately, not having a working battery makes power diagnostics a little trickier. If it would hold a charge, you could easily eliminate the AC/DC adapter by running on battery only.

Adapters can be flaky since they are usually cheaply made, and voltage drops without a battery will cause the system to lock. Putting a load on them and checking voltage/amp draw can weed out a bad one

Again, if you have NO battery power, then as noted above, check the power connector on the book to see if it wiggles. DELL is notorious for having these contacts break or cold-solder.

Heat - notebooks are notorious for sucking in lint and plugging up the metal heatsink located over the CPU and other hot running chips. This will cause the CPU temperature to rise, and once it hits it's threshold it may alarm (if set to in the BIOS), then shutoff to protect itself. As a byproduct of these overheating cycles, the thermal paste that is put between the CPU and the heatsink will dry, crack, ooze, reducing it's ability to efficiently transfer the CPU heat away, again causing overheating.

My guess based on the age, would be the lint buildup. Flip over the book, remove the myriad of tiny Phillips screws, remove the back cover. If its plugged, clean it, fire it up, and ensure the fans are working properly. Thermal paste can be found at a real computer store, and is cheap. If you wnat, unscrew the cooler, put a thin coating on the CPU die (the metal portion) then reassemble, test.

Less likely but possible, it could also be a bad piece of memory (RAM). This can be tested by using free software like memtest, or removing one piece at a time in order to eliminate the bad one.

Hard Disk? Possible, but not from the sounds of it.

Of course it could be more serious, such as a cracked mainboard, or possibly a defective video chip (nVidias have had problems). In this case, fixing it is not feasible.

Not trying to be a smart a$$, but may I make a suggestion 6pk?

Best thing I ever did! (about 7 years ago)

We fix those too. They break just as good. Best thing, is we can charge more for the same work :)

Makes y'all feel better since you paid more - j/k

the package deal fro best buy is window 7 not the old juck vista.....i plan to go this route i guess cause i already tried the vid. card and still got the same problem....hope you get it worked out ...
Hard drive. $149. 4 yrs old? Buy a new one Cheryl. You'll save in the long run. Problem solved.
Small Block

Not sure it's the hard drive. Dell wants me to buy a battery for $150 to "see" if that's the problem.

HP and Vista ( home & lap top ) have convinced my wife and I to go with Mac. Home is replaced with a mini and we love it. Lap top is making strange noises so a MacBook is next. ( This thing better not die before I get the shirts Mailed ! )

Not trying to be a smart a$$, but may I make a suggestion 6pk?

Best thing I ever did! (about 7 years ago)

I have never had a Mac or even used one, but heard great things about them. I am still trying to salvage this laptop before giving up. Thanks for the input! :happy10:

Check the output at the round jack that goes into the computer. There should just be two conductors, an inner and an outer.

Yes, the output jack is round and I only saw 1 center pin, kind of like a cable connection. Also, there were 4 pins further down in the jack. I didn't see anything unusual, so I gave it a couple "blows"......LOL

sounds like you got a hard drive failure and or mobo (motherboard) failure.

i work on computers for a living. just buy a new one. fixing will cost just as much as a cheap new one

I am not sure what is wrong yet, but will not "throw" many $$ at it before biting the bullet on another one. Have been poking around the internet at options on a new one, if that's what it comes down to.......Thanks rld :cheers:
My guess based on the age, would be the lint buildup. Flip over the book, remove the myriad of tiny Phillips screws, remove the back cover. If its plugged, clean it, fire it up, and ensure the fans are working properly. Thermal paste can be found at a real computer store, and is cheap. If you wnat, unscrew the cooler, put a thin coating on the CPU die (the metal portion) then reassemble, test.

I removed over a dozen screws, but still couldn't get the back cover off. It seemed to be hung up at the center of the rear of the unit where there's a plug for maybe a monitor? I lifted up the front of the unit though and blew some dust out.....not much....but some.

Still trying to salvage rather than replace........Thank you so much for your advice Grant:cheers: and to all for the help!!

It is truly appreciated. :-D FABO members are the BEST :bootysha:
We don't have to fix those. They just don't break as much as a PC. Best thing, is we can charge way less for the same work as somebody with a PC :)

fixed :toothy7:

An Apple will outlast a PC any day! :-D


fixed :toothy7:

An Apple will outlast a PC any day! :-D

Point well taken......your PC pic looks like the back of mine :toothy10:. I just wish the Macs weren't so much more expensive, but I have not given up yet. I love to learn...........:cheers:
Just an update, I am posting from another computer tonight, but I did plug the laptop back in after fiddling w/ the cord and blowing some dust out of the inside. I just left it on and "refreshed" a couple times.

It did finally lock up and I could hear the fan making funny noises after about an hour. I unplugged it to shut it down. Now, I'm thinking it is overheating and I need to remove the cover to see what's going on w/ the fan. I just need to figure out how to remove the cover completely. :read2:
5 years on my emachine. added memory and use Kapersky to keep the bugs out. Still fast as hell running firefox on dsl. Wish I could help C. Next time you get on google your problem. if its common they will have solutions. millions of people brainstorming cant be bad.
fired it up sunday. sounds like it has an appetite for fords.i giggled like a schoolgirl. just some interior and exhaust left now.
Unfortunately all notebooks are different to disassemble. There are often screws under the removable covers. Yes the LCD does connect via ribbon cable to the main circuit board. If you look at the clip where it connects, you can pry carefully (lift up) the top edge, releasing the cable. If the fan is failing/failed, you have probably found your problem. Fan/heatsink assemblies are inexpensive on epay, search your make/model. Usually 4-6 spring loaded screws to r & r. Do not forget heat (thermal) paste when putting the new one on. Some will have a square pad of paste on them when you get them. If not, go to your "local" computer store, drop $2 in their coffee can, and I'm sure they'll squirt a little on something for you to use.

Alley, I sell and service them both. Have for 15 years. The truth is, if you want cheap - you buy a cheap PC and deal with all that a cheap PC gets you. A Brand name box does not equate to quality. If you spend the same amount on a quality PC as you are willing to spend on a Mac, you will get better quality, better performance and lower total ownership costs.

Alley, I sell and service them both. Have for 15 years. The truth is, if you want cheap - you buy a cheap PC and deal with all that a cheap PC gets you. A Brand name box does not equate to quality. If you spend the same amount on a quality PC as you are willing to spend on a Mac, you will get better quality, better performance and lower total ownership costs.


I spent more on a PC then I did my MAC, and the Mac has out lasted the PC two times over.

It's all in good fun, I'm just a Mac guy, thats all.

I just hope that 6pk can get her computer fixed, this website would not be the same without her, She's the BEST!!
:wave: Just wanted to thank all of you for your help and suggestions. They are always appreciated, as my computer skills are not the best......

I ended up taking my laptop to a small independant guy a week ago. He called me within 30 mins and explained that it was infected w/ a virus. He wiped it clean and I just got it up and running last night. Thankfully, ramcharger helped me to put some info on a flash drive several weeks ago, so I should still have the bulk of my pics and info :-D\\:D/ . Now, I just have to figure out the reinstall.

Anyhow, I'm comfortable using my old laptop and very happy to be up & running again. My fingers & toes are crossed that it's fixed!! ;-)

Just FYI, he charged me $100 to fix it. I was quite happy w/ his service and he said to call w/ any questions or issues that may arise.

alleyoop......I am flattered. Thank you very much. :thumbup::toothy2:
Can anyone tell me what I need to download "safely" :toothy10: to get FABO videos & chat room to work?

I have looked at Adobe Flash Player version 10.0, but I want to be sure before I do it.....

Thanks again and hope I'm not a PITA ;-) :)
That flashdrive you downloaded the pictures on to needs to be checked for viruses before loading them on your computer.
That flashdrive you downloaded the pictures on to needs to be checked for viruses before loading them on your computer.

WOW, Thank you very, very much for that info :read2: I have not tried to re-install anything yet...phew!! That was a close one.