Congrats Brett

Just got my copy today. That's a great story Brett and the pics of the car are awesome! My wife says your car is cool too.
I mean the Donate buttone he had in his sig. Not the one one for the board.
TC67CUDA said:
Just got my copy today. That's a great story Brett and the pics of the car are awesome! My wife says your car is cool too.

How many pages are there? and what did they title it?
There's 4 pages and a pic of your car covers the first 2 pages titled "Homepage Honey" :thumrigh:
Brett, Sorry I didn't leave in the part about Gary. But as I read it, it pulled up a lot of emotion and I did not want to churn up old feelings for a lot of other people since many are just now really learning to cope. I meant no disrespect to Gary or anyone else, but I felt it was the right thing. :cry:
That's cool Randy! I totally understand as I'm sure Gary would. I thanked him on Moparts where everyone knows him and those that want to post can and those that just want to remember can do that also. I think it's really neat that he made the cover and then helped me get in touch with you and my car made it too. I got my first look today, the mag is in our Hy Vee stores. One of my employees spotted it today and brought it to me. You did a great job putting it together. I couldn't be happier with it. Thanks for then mention of this board, there is a lot of great people here that made this what it is. It's very rare that a board like this one survives let alone grows like we have. Hopefully we will make some new friends with the Mopar Muscle readers.

Funny Story: My valve covers have AMS Machine on them. These guy's build my motors. Well I have custom built valve covers and that's where I put there sticker. You can read their phone number in the picture. I called to talk to Doug the owner today and he was out but I told the guy to twell Doug to pick up a MM Mag and the guy said is this about the valve cover's? I said why? he said we have gotten several calls wanting to know if they could buy some from us. LOL I had them made out of state. LOL Thoses guy's are cool and loving the exposure.
I see this was origanally posted on the 5th and I just got mine today in the mail, I think that kinda sucks. But I guess that since I can`t find the rag anywhere else around here whatta ya do? Enough for my rant and congrats on the cover and thanx for putting the web address in there as I just signed up!
fastbackcuda said:
I mean the Donate buttone he had in his sig. Not the one one for the board.

Or you could click on both...