Convertor stall



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Hi Everyone:thumbup:

Recently bought a 3400 stall convertor for my 383 Duster.

BUT, with the footbrake applied, I can only really get say 2K before the rear end starts to hook.........

Am I missing something here or do I have a bad vertor:dontknow:
Have enough fluid in the trans? Did you buy the converter brand new from the manufature? My 3500stall dynamic will footbrake to 3500, and flash to 3900
I haven't checked the level for while - could that be the problem?

The convertor is new, and bought from JW Performance thru Campbell Ent
Could be like Goody said. Also could be defective or just over rated. My PTC is rated at 2800-3000 stall will only footbrake to 2400 max before it starts breaking the tires loose and all the brakes are new and my 360 is real torquey. It'll flash to 2800 but won't footbrake there. Next time I'm biting the bullet and getting a Dynamic.