Cool mopar intakes on ebay.

JR.........You are an absolute treasure.

I could have sworn you bought berries instead of corn #-o

Keep up the good searching........
LOL they thawed and the bag was opened a little bit and I didn't notice so Nikki went to the store and got 2 bags of frozen corn.
Frozen peas work great too....or is that pees. LOL

Great sport you are JR. And Nikki sounds like a doll.......

2 peas in a pod........:rock:
Ya know, I was comptemplating getting that procedure done and while I was busy thinking...along came my 2nd daughter (who ironically is nicknamed "Boo-boo." Rolls off the tongue better than "Oooops.").
The doctor's name that does most all those type of procedures here is Richard Tapper. Yes, Dick Tapper.
I think frozen blueberries would be the most appropriate in cooling the jewels...hahhahhhahhhhh, I crack myself up!8)
You paid the doctor to do that? I'll bet you probably had a rusty saw around there someplace.....seriously, I hope you feel better soon!
Funkist...All Juice No Seed!
LOL! (Saw that on a T-shirt)