Correct Console Grain



69 340-6pak Rag Top
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
Elm City, N.C.
Hey Guys,
Has anyone ever tried to put the grain back in a console. I have one that has been dyed a couple of times in the past, and I have striped it with lacquer thinner and fine scotch brite pads, and found there are some slick spots down low. It appears this may be where a seat had rubbed it. Any input would be appreciated,
You could try spraying on a coat of 3m chip quard. It's paintable and has a texture. You may have to play with it to get the look you want but since it is down low, it may work.
You could try spraying on a coat of 3m chip quard. It's paintable and has a texture. You may have to play with it to get the look you want but since it is down low, it may work.

Thats the second time I have ben told about chip guard. I may try a test panel and see how it looks.
Thanks a lot lurker,
I bought a factory console for my dart. It had a couple spots that were smooth, and a couple deep scratched. If I sanded the scratches out then there would be big spot with no "grain". Since I could figure no way to fix the factory grained appearance of the console I decided to go with No grain.

I sanded the entire outside surface of the console with some 60 grit paper on a sanding block. Took my time, filled in some low spots with filler. Sanded till the whole thing was smooth. Then finished it off with some 80 grit, then 150 grit.

Painted it with acrylic enamel with a flattening agent added so it would be a flat finish, not glossy.

I did this in conjunction with making my own console top to replace the factory pieces that were pitted and had bad chrome.

Here's a few pics for you.


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