Country Roads, take me home...

Wow :tongue9:!! That 4th picture looks just like Spring River here in Hardy Arkansas

And Thanks for sharing the old bridges that also look like they are here in Arkansas :rock:

And last but not least the darts sure look Nizzss:thumbrig:
Thanks MEMIKE. We had a ball. Went to this friendly old diner for eggs. The place EMPTIED to check out our Darts. We left a nice tip.
And on we went.

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This has been a great thread and I can finally add some country roads here in Arkansas during the /09 ice storm.

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Spring has sprung here in Va.. The Dogwoods, Redbuds, and Azaleas are in full bloom. The Carnations are holding on to their last blossoms. Take time to smell the flowers. :-D

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Spring has sprung here in Va.. The Dogwoods, Redbuds, and Azaleas are in full bloom. The Carnations are holding on to their last blossoms. Take time to smell the flowers. :-D

WOW! Are those of cranberry type? Forgive my ignorance in regards to botany. School me on this please?
WOW! Are those of cranberry type? Forgive my ignorance in regards to botany. School me on this please?

The Dogwoods and Redbuds are just small ornamental trees we have here in Va.. The Dogwood is our state flower. They do produce a small red berry but they`re known for their bright four-petaled flowers and they`re one of the early bloomers in spring. Jesus Christ was thought to have been crucified on a Dogwood tree and coincidently the Redbud is sometimes called the Judas tree because it`s believed that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from one. I don`t know much about the botanicals only the folklore. Anyway, it`s a beautiful time of year here now.
This is a view from my truck as you drive down Canon Blvd. here. The Japanese brought these Cherry trees here and planted them when they opened the Canon Plant about twenty years ago. They are beautiful for a couple weeks in spring!!! Here`s a couple of pictures of my puppy dog Wilson (6 months) through the month of March. Started like a lion and ended like a lamb.

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Longgone, those trees are stunning to say the least! Thanks for the pic. I was never much into gardening or planting when growing up, but my pop used to "make me" help him in the yard when I was a kid. He greatly enjoyed doing yardwork, and didn't need my help at all, but he would make me help him do things all summer long for an hour or so at a time.
Once I became a homeowner in 1988, not only did I get more and more into gardening and yardwork, I now greatly appreciate the beauty that something like those trees offer in spring.
I'm waiting patiently here in CT for my Weeping Cherry and Magnolia trees to open up with color! The Magnolia will only need another few days as the buds are just about ready to burst, but the Weeping Cherry will need another 2 weeks or so.
Thanks for the pictures! The dog is way awesome too!

Love the beautiful pictures Mary
It has been raining all week end here, But the sun will be out tomorrow
It is greening up good here to. looking out my front door and my little friend Boggy

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Longgone, those trees are stunning to say the least! Thanks for the pic. I was never much into gardening or planting when growing up, but my pop used to "make me" help him in the yard when I was a kid. He greatly enjoyed doing yardwork, and didn't need my help at all, but he would make me help him do things all summer long for an hour or so at a time.
Once I became a homeowner in 1988, not only did I get more and more into gardening and yardwork, I now greatly appreciate the beauty that something like those trees offer in spring.
I'm waiting patiently here in CT for my Weeping Cherry and Magnolia trees to open up with color! The Magnolia will only need another few days as the buds are just about ready to burst, but the Weeping Cherry will need another 2 weeks or so.
Thanks for the pictures! The dog is way awesome too!


Thanks George, I`ve always loved nature and the outdoors. As a teen I would spend weeks in the Blue Ridge Mountains backpacking with my friends. We`d get so isolated out there that one would think there was no civilization. I `m into woodworking quite heavily so knowing trees sort of goes along with the territory. Some years ago I took a course with my son on Bonsai trees which was a lot of fun. It shouldn`t be long now and you guys in Ct. should see tons of colorful blossoms. Although a short haired dog, I can tell my Dalmatian Wilson is not fond of the hot weather! Best regards- John

Great pics Longone! The trees are awesome and so's the dog. :)

Thanks, it`s a great time of year for both man and beast. From one dog lover to another.- John

My pics from my last post were from my tea roses, my friends dogwood tree and my cherry tree in my front yard.
Here is my dogwood and the cherry tree in our front yard

Gorgeous trees,they make it absolutely the most beautiful time of the year. I look forward to seeing more of W.V.-John

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A few pics of the wetlands in SE Va..The park is alive in flora and fauna. I wish I could post the aroma with the last picture of Honeysuckle.

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A few pics of the wetlands in SE Va..The park is alive in flora and fauna. I wish I could post the aroma with the last picture of Honeysuckle.
how long does it take for the turtles to get onto the floating platform in the first pic?
how long does it take for the turtles to get onto the floating platform in the first pic?

Lol! For the big guys it`s like doing one pull-up, they plop right up there. The little guys have a bit harder time. On a good and hot sunny day there`s so many turtles on the platform that they start piling up. :-D
Great pictures longgone :cheers:That Honeysuckle is ready for a taste =P~
There has got to be a big old bass hiding in the grass some where in the pond. Thanks for sharing some eye candy :happy10:
It finally quit raining here and I have had some time outside.
Collected some seeds and enjoyed the sun shine :-D

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Great pictures longgone :cheers:That Honeysuckle is ready for a taste =P~
There has got to be a big old bass hiding in the grass some where in the pond. Thanks for sharing some eye candy :happy10:

Thanks Mike, I have trumpeted many a Honeysuckle flower. It`s too bad you can only get enough out of them to satisfy a butterfly. Lol! There are 2 ponds, a lake, and a winding stream all stocked with fish but it`s catch and release only. It`s a magical place though where things are unmolested by man and you can really commune with nature. I love it!
Haaaaa Yes that sounds good. I bet it is quite there.
No rail roads and hwy's blasting buy every 5 to 20 minutes.:-D
I will try later, I have a couple pictures to share with Xcptshnl1 :-D