Crane Gold Rollers?



Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2012
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I recently bought a set of Crane Gold Roller rockers. The rockers themselves seem to be good quality, but the adj. screws are giving me nothing but trouble. I've replaced 2 so far and from last nights events seems like more are gunna need replaced. So I've been doin some searchin and seen that Hughes' offer a cup end adj. screw. So i was thinking of going with those with ball/ball oil through pushrods and be done with it. I was just hoping to get some input.
I run them with a .510 hyd and had Smith Bros. make me some pushrods so I have 2 threads showing at the ball end of the rocker and so far problem free. I bought the rockers used for $125 complete so im not in them to bad...
i heard awhile back that crane had troubles with the adjustors but thought that was fixed, i guess not. anyway go ahead and replace them all.
if your lifters arn't the oil through type that modification you're taking about won't do anything.