Cruising tunes



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
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Fayetteville, AR
What songs do you like to listen to when you are cruising around in your mopars?

Granted it is always fun to listen to the sounds of the exhaust, but when that gets old there is the radio


Rock? Classic Rock? Heavy Metal?

different flavors?

Is there a specific song or artist you prefer?

I usually like to sneak Aerosmith's sweet emotion in there as well as Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs
Crusing around in an American v-8 I listen to old 50s and 60s music. Or if I get a little angry or such and decide to drive fast its either that or rock.

Country I only turn on when I got my cowboy boots and hat with my Levis and Dickes shirt on looking for a girl that wants to save he horse haha.
i am pretty flexable on music. i don't like country though...70's thru 90's metal and hard rock. 70's disco , classic rock. 70's am classics, 80's rock...ect...
Music from roughly '65-'72 give or take, which pretty much defined the musclecar era. Really like to hear the protest songs. Not saying that I agree with their words or message (listening to AM radio way back then you couldn't understand all the words anyway!), it just reminds me of that era. Doors, CSNY, CCR, you know, the "Long Haired, Hippie Type, Pinko, Faggot, Dope Smoking, Maggot infested, Radical, Extremist, Ultra Liberal, Far Left Wing, Enviormentalist-Wacko, Tree Hugging, Anti-War, Peaceweenie Democrat" type music.
Green Onions!! :blob: Good choice draggin :thumbup:

Iron Butterfly,Anagodavetta. Hart,Barracuda. :rock:
THERES NOTHING BETTER THAN ROCKABILLY MUSIC!!! SEARCH FOR SOME...ITS BASICALLY THAT 50's 60's ROCK N ROLL Examples can be...Strat Cats...something like that even though theyre from the 80's

Ummm...CHUCK BERRY AND THE KILLER! JErry Lee Lewis! YEAAAHH! :pirat:
I like ALOT of music but I have to say anything form Robin Trower is a o.k. for any mood.
How about Radar Love by golden ear ring. awesome ride song, and Dear Mr. Fantasy Old Steve Winwood aka Traffic... ever see the U -tube video with this song as a tribute to Dick Landy?
wooow i finaly dont feel like im too old,,,i love the 50;s era of music and early 60.s....jan and dean,,,beach boys,,,gene vincent,,rock-a-billy,doo woooop....for cruising,,and of the stuff labeled cruzin,,,but you cant beat ,,what i truly believe got me in to cool cars and great music,,,,i still watch it every winter,,amkes me get in the mood to crawl under the car,,,
i remember seeing it in the theater in 1973,AMERICAN GRAFITTI,,best sound track,,ever,,,,,,glad to se so many liking that sound track,,,,and i have met john,,millner,,THX138,, most famous lisense plate
I don't listen to much country, especially in the car, but there are occasions when Johnny Cash just hits the spot.

If you is gonna listen to the steve winwood don't forget the ole goody "Gimme all your lovin'"

sounds like we all got good taste in music :D
My car is in 1000 pieces, but my ipod is full of 50' and 60's stuff (alone with a lot of other types of music), so I have to agree with fstfish66, GermzD74, and BoredandStroked... 50's and 60's rock is where it's at, and Rockabilly is awesome! There are a couple of really nice box sets available out on the web that I recommend for any fan of this type music... check out "Hot Rods & Custom Classics" and "Loud Fast and Out of Control."

I listen to a lot of new rock and classic rock as well....
I like the 60's and 70's myself. I agree Green Onions is a great cruising tune. :rock: Also how about Alice Cooper's "Schools Out", The Doobie Brothers "China Grove", Boston "Foreplay/Longtime", most of anything from CCR. Two good CDs to get for good cruising songs is the soundtracks for the movie "Dazed and Confused".
I like the new stuff also, but it is just fitting to listen to classic tunes in a classic car! :thumbup:
I will listen to just about anything, But I like AC/DC, Or i just listen to the radio which I have on the oldies rock. oh and last year g/f and I was listening to the Beach Boys. And I will also listen to contempery christian.
Radio....Music....what is that? I listem to the sweet music that small block makes. Same when I'm in the truck...not to much sweeter of a sound that the whine of a turbo and the rumble of a Cummins.