Curious Stories



Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Carrollton, GA
I have a 1965 Barracuda and I drive it pretty much everyday now. Love the way it drives. My question is how many people get the odd stories. Every single time I stop and park I get some one who comes up to me and says I remember this or that. You going to finish it? Let me tell you my story about remembering your car. I do take it around a lot and I enjoy it but for a car that I almost never see on the road there seems to be a lot of stories from people. Do you have the same experiences?
I always hear my grandmother had a valiant like that.....
I get a ton, first off, I always get that guy that goes "I had one of those back in the day" or their mother or father had one. One guy was telling me how he used to beat the sh*t out of a Dart he had and how the /6's last forever. I kinda feel lame to be honest, my buddy rags on me cuz his 4th gen Camaro attracts young women while my Dart attracts old men :( haha
While filling up a month ago, I had a guy tell me that his dad owned one of these, and asked the obligatory, "Does it have the push button transmission?"

Last week, while leaving work another guy came up and said the same thing. He didn't ask about the push button, just said that it sounded different than theirs. I think his had the 273.
lol I am glad to know I am not the only person who gets those stories and it appears that most of us feel the same way about them. Not necessarily annoyed but more why are you telling me about your story. lol