Dammit Del!

Well, we had a good day yesterday afternoon.
Two mornings ago (or was it three) my girlfriend asked, "is blackout in there with you?"
Nope, why?
I can't find her, she hasn't eaten the treats put out for her, and I haven't seen her since last night.

So, we looked all over the back yard, backbackyard, front yard, wondering if she got out, while Liz left the back door open, (she is elderly, and a house cat). She also loves hiding in cabinets, so we checked every cabinet she could reach at her jumping ability, and even the ones she couldn't be in. No cat. Even the dogs didn't indicate they knew where she was.
We figured she will either show up, or she wouldn't. We'll give it a day or two, then commence a search campaign, but there are coyotes, dogs, owls and eagles in the neighborhood.

Night before last, Liz heard her cry. "Sounds like she's in the kitchen ". She only cried a couple times, I never heard her (My ears aren't much better than my eyes, lol), and Liz still couldn't find her. At least we knew she wasn't outside as coyote food.

Yesterday, I had the dogs outside to play , and Liz calls out " i FOUND her!"
Somehow, she had gotten in the deep drawer of the kitchen island, gone over the back of the drawer, and gotten trapped behind it when the drawer got closed. Then the trick was figuring out how to get the drawer out, a retainer system neither of,us had seen before.

When she came out, really affectionate, hungry, thirsty, and stinky and wet. Happy to have her back, anyway! Spent last night asleep on my lap.
sorry this is kind of long
2008 Flood...a black dog shows up through the flood water with ribs showing and no collar and is on my patio after work. We already had a big dog. I tell my wife contact the paper, radio station and don't let the dog in the house. Day 2...dog on back patio with food and water bowl. Talk to my wife about paper and radio ads for found dog. No response. Day 3...Dog on back patio after work with food, water bowl my dog's doggie bed and bone. I told my wife we don't need another dog and do not let the dog in the house. Day 4...I leave work early catch my wife with both dogs in the house on my couch with bones and flood dog is freshly bathed with new collar. (I finally see the writing on the wall) So we name her Parker because she Parked her *** on my patio and never left. Day 61... flood dog has 13 puppies under my bed. It's been 14 years now and Little Miss Parker the flood dog has passed. Of course my wife kept one of her puppies Little Miss Lucy...It's the best dog we have ever had...What do you do? LOL
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