Date night rant

I try not to let things get under my skin too much any more...too old for that stuff. In the past bumps and lumps have been given and received over what now seem like trivial things.Those people could care less they bothered you. People like that just don't get it no matter what you tell them.
Don't even get me started about the experience we had the evening we got to Vegas and was sitting at a Mcdonalds trying to eat since we haven't ate since lunch EST and it was 10:30 pm PST and "I'm not racist" there is a African American Thug woman "see I'm Nice" Dropping the "F" word to her 5 chaps and slapping them and crap. Well it was me my wife and two boys and 3 more family's with kids trying to enjoy something to eat. Well I was Pissed any way with some travel issues so I stood up and said " please could you watch your mouth my kids and these other kids do not need to hear your mouth and I sat back down wile she cussed me" Well being from the south and I don't take crap and I apologized to the other family's for voicing my thoughts to the woman and I got cussed again. Well then I said some not so very nice racial comments to her and she shut her trap and had security remove her and her kids with out there food:cheers:
I hate being like that that
Last time I went to the movie was back in October with a girl I was dating at the time. We are both relatively young, 23. These kids walked in who were probably around 16 and talked the whole time, on the phone the whole time. I asked them politely about 15 minutes into the movie to stop talking, they laughed. Fifteen minutes later I just tell then to shut up. I heard one of the kids say something along the lines of f that guy. At that point I proceeded to stand up and turn around since they were one row behind me. Gave one of the boys more then a few choice words then his classy girl decideds to egg it on and try and get him to get physical. I dropped the almighty C word and she blew her lid. I walked out and told the security guard that they were going from movie to movie and they got the boot.

I probably should have just went straight to security instead of the yelling match but it was a good time. Plus I'm sick of these teen girls walking around thinking they can get away with anything because people think they are attractive.

Anyways watch God Bless America on netflix. It's a decent movie and shows a interesting way to handle this stuff :)
We used to have a *** rated drive in not far from here, Berlinsville PA. They have since changed to PG ratings. It's run fairly well and the food was good last time I was there. I won't go to a regular movie theater here, they lose sound regularly and no one seems to care. It's cheaper to buy the movie and watch it at home.
Atlanta had the most unpleasant general public but around Charleston as long as you know what places to avoid and do things in the daytime, it is quite pleasant. When people are out of line I use my judgment accordingly and confront them myself or (more often lately) get someone in authority involved.
We have a drive in about three minutes from my parents. I thought about taking the dart but I don't know if I can make it through the movie without starting it to charge the battery and I don't think open headers will be favorable during a movie
Tonight is date night for me, we try to go once a month. I wish I could take the Barracuda but I spent yesterday laying down Pergo Laminate flooring for her kid's room so we can stay in her room on nights I stay over. The Barracuda's front disk brake swap didn't get completed in time (need to plug the rear port on the distribution block, connect the prop valve to rear line going back, and then bleed still).

We will probably just do dinner though. Movies are nice, but they can be a pain sometimes. Maybe we will try a drive in with the kiddo one of these nights.
People suck!!! It's the "me" generation. Everybody thinks they have rights and you don't.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

My wife and I don't go to the movies often for the same reasons as everyone else here. But when we do go, it is early afternoon, before the crowds get there.
About 12 years ago when I lived in New Hampshire and just got the Dart on the road, my wife being from a big city in Canada had never been to a drive-in, and since there was one in Milford decided to go. As we where pulling into the gate, she saw on the billboard *** for the movie. She got very irritated and asked what type of movie was I bringing her to. Told her Vin Diesels new spy flick, triple ***. We still laugh about that till this day.