dead birds

Taking freedom away? The Dem's and their taxes to use my $ to put more people on welfare and buy that vote costs more freedom than security checks.

I wonder how much taxpayers money is going to all these family vacations the prez takes. Every other month, he's on a month's vacation somewhere. I don't remember that from any other president. If there was peace, joy, harmony, and a good economy, I wouldn't mind, but there's a lot going on right now with this country that should be a higher priority than vacationing.

Does anybody watch "Conspiracy Theory: With Jesse Ventura?" I bet something about these birds and fish will show up on there eventually. The same thing happened to a flock of birds in Switzerland or Sweden a couple days ago.
It was a big hail storm that hit the area and killed the birds and fish, houses and cars was demolished from soft ball size hail when the storm system came through, This was a bad one and even Killed 6 people in Arkansas and Missouri, there was talk about fireworks being the blame for all the dead fish and birds. Go back and look at the thread some one started about the killer weather, Heck I may have even started it.
That's the word I got. Yes mother nature can take her own animals.
It was a big hail storm that hit the area and killed the birds and fish, houses and cars was demolished from soft ball size hail when the storm system came through, This was a bad one and even Killed 6 people in Arkansas and Missouri, there was talk about fireworks being the blame for all the dead fish and birds. Go back and look at the thread some one started about the killer weather, Heck I may have even started it.
That's the word I got. Yes mother nature can take her own animals.

Interesting, I haven`t heard that on any of the news channels. Stands to reason though when you see what a hailstone can do to a car.
Look at where they have found all the dead bird in the map..:angry7:
They say most if not all was from blunt force trauma on the birds.
But they have crabs and fish they are saying water changing from warm to very cold water for some reason :angry7:

I am confused, and concerned


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This kinda stuff has been happenin since the beginnin of time. It's just that now we have 24/7 live media coverage of nearbout every nook and cranny of the earth and can be bombarded with stuff we never knew before and of course the media makes it seem like doomsday.
I would like to believe it is the weather, or some really simple natural phenominum, but seems like this would happen all the time and wouldn't be news. And why would it happen all over the world? We wouldn't have bad hailstorms in the Northern and Southern hemispheres simultaniously. And close to the equator?
I have heard of it raining fish and frogs during hurricanes and such, but all over the world. I don't buy into (many) conspiricy theories, but this has to be manmade.


I just know the Freemasons are involved somehow.
I would like to believe it is the weather, or some really simple natural phenominum, but seems like this would happen all the time and wouldn't be news. And why would it happen all over the world? We wouldn't have bad hailstorms in the Northern and Southern hemispheres simultaniously. And close to the equator?
I have heard of it raining fish and frogs during hurricanes and such, but all over the world. I don't buy into (many) conspiricy theories, but this has to be manmade.


I just know the Freemasons are involved somehow.

Kinda makes ya wonder, doesn't it!
Well, it seems some scientists are now saying that this is not an uncommon occurrence. Go figure.
Probably not. I've been out through fields here in Georgia and found like 30 dead birds all cluttered up. Though I live by a quarry that starts blasting at like 5 a.m. and you can feel your house shake if your within a mile
And today hundred or so turtle doves dropped dead over another European country. More dead fish washing up on shores. Who needs to be alarmed about something that happens daily, but is not reported to this week? I mean we don't have enough good news to report right now anyways right? Economy crashing, oil prices climbing, some leader vacationing again. Just be glad he's taking vacations, what do you think he would do if he actually worked more? It's cheaper he goes and eats a snow cone then pass more socialist legislation.

By the way,
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!
And today hundred or so turtle doves dropped dead over another European country. More dead fish washing up on shores. Who needs to be alarmed about something that happens daily, but is not reported to this week? I mean we don't have enough good news to report right now anyways right? Economy crashing, oil prices climbing, some leader vacationing again. Just be glad he's taking vacations, what do you think he would do if he actually worked more? It's cheaper he goes and eats a snow cone then pass more socialist legislation.

By the way,
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!
Be careful;someone will call you a conservative,and an obama hater,maybe even a racist.Im happy he isn't pimping the congress on another stupid law.I wish he would go on a permanent vacation.