December 7, 1941 77 years ago


Arron tate

Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Hello All,
On this day please remember the fallen that lost there lives 77 years ago in an act that changed the world forever.
Happy Mopar:)
Over 2300 people were killed this day.
Please take 1 minute today in respect to honor them all- men and women.
NEVER FORGET!!!!..was out there in Febuary couldn't hold back the tears thinking about what happened that morning:(:(:(..God Bless America!!!
Here is a picture of my fathers 1941 high school yearbook. He went from graduating high school in June of 41 to enlisting in dec. of 41 at age of 18 like thousands of other young Americans. Hard to put your head around it.
Absolutely never forget & god bless America:usflag:

The Greatest Generation.
I never forget December 7, it was my Mothers Birthday.
My Father fought in WWII in the Pacific.
Thank God for the men and women who stood up and sacrificed for our country.
The passing of the WWII generation. Yielding to the inalterable process of aging, the men and women who fought and won the great conflict are now in their late 80s and 90s. They are dying quickly—according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 389,292 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II are alive in 2019.
Hockey pucks had NOTHING to do with it..God bless AMERICA!!
The horror the likes of most Americans have never seen much less live thru. My dad was involved in the battle on Attu in the Aleutians. He told me that the weather was god awful. That many soldiers lost toes to frostbite. On a lighter note13 years ago on this same day, I joined FABO.