Defrost delema

I got mine from the hardware store. Think it was for a dryer or some thing like that. Not factory but you cant see the thing any way.
i used vacuum hose, on the side with the big opening i just stuffed some foam to stop leakage
The Paddock as well as some other restoration companies have the repro defrost hoses but they`re a bit pricey. You can buy 2.5" heater duct hose at the local Autozone store here in Va. , I`m sure there`s an equivalent auto store in Ca. that carries it too. The small opening of the heater box can be shimmed with a piece of radiator hose.
Try O'Reilly's, that's where I got mine from. They seem to have a decent selection, so something will probably fit. I Just had to trim mine a few inches shorter.