Demon Lover



New Member
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everyone. New guy here. just a bit about first car was a 72 nova. after that I had a 69 and another 72 nova. had 2 Trans Am's. and a few more project cars. then kids came along with a job change and a pay cut. Dang hate when that happens.
all toys on hold for many years.
My first car should have been a 72 DEMON. for 400 dollars. 6 cylinder car. my friends older brothers car. I passed on it. but did get the emblems off the fenders. one of my good friends bought it and we put in a 383.(gave the emblems to him) I always regretted not getting this car. It was in great condition. I had a cousin that had a 71 that looked like new. well it jumped timing and he sold it without me knowing. I have not seen any Demons on the road for 28 years. I went to cursing the coast and seen 2. so I started looking for one. Just missed out on one last week. The guy wouldn't come off the price any. But we are staying in touch and hopefully we will make a deal. then I can look for another or a duster for the wife.
kids are grown and new truck will be paid off real soon. time for a long waited Demon in my shop. I know this site will be helpful in the near future, glad to be aboard.
Welcome to FABO, and good luck on making your deal for the Demon!
Jees that story sounds familiar.
Especially the part about "toys" being on hold for years. :D

There are some pretty nice Demons here.

WELCOME -- This is a good place to look for a Demon. -- Who knows, maybe you find another A-Body here. -- Good luck. -- Enjoy it here.
welcome to the fray - lots of great people and info here (you knew that) - hope your search bears you fruit!
Yes, welcome. My first was a '72 Demon bought new. Finally was able to replace it last August after 43 years, same year same color. Paid too much but it's been my dream too. A couple months and I will enjoy the ride again. Hope you find yours soon. FABO has been a great help to me, a great bunch of folks !!!
welcome aboard those demons have a special place with me also:D
Thanks for the welcome, and I did find good things on this site. loving it so far. and I'm not giving up on this demon I found. I will be calling the guy back soon. hope to post pictures here when I get lucky enough to own one.
again that's all for the welcome.